INFO: Where to Find the Builder Applications' Source Files
ID: Q191499
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0
Visual FoxPro for Windows version 6.0 now ships the source code for the
Visual FoxPro builder applications. The source code for the Visual FoxPro
builders is contained in a file named
NOTE: Microsoft does not support the modifications to the source code of
the Visual FoxPro builders. Modifications done by the user are at the
user's risk and constitute no obligations or warranties, either expressed
or implied, by Microsoft.
The file is located in the following folder:
\VFP98\Tools\XSource folder
How to View the Builder's Source Code
- Unzip the files in the file, using the UNZIP -d parameter to
preserve subdirectory names. You may select the folder where the file resides.
- A subdirectory named \vfpsource is created.
- Several sub-folders are created and one of them is named "\Builders",
(without the quotes) and it contains the following folders and files:
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Bldrmain.prg 1,661 05-01-98 1:33p
Bregtbl.dbf 1,629 05-01-98 1:33p
Bregtbl.fpt 3,696 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.pjt 166,336 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.pjx 8,733 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.prg 13,809 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmdbldr.pjt 8,382 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmdbldr.pjx 2,753 05-01-98 1:33p
Defstyle.dbf 436 05-01-98 1:33p
Defstyle.fpt 5,376 05-01-98 1:33p
Dummy.prg 520 05-01-98 1:33p
Editbldr.pjt 8,547 05-01-98 1:33p
Editbldr.pjx 3,013 05-01-98 1:33p
Formbldr.pjt 113,454 05-01-98 1:33p
Formbldr.pjx 6,263 05-01-98 1:33p
Grdstyle.dbf 461 05-01-98 1:33p
Grdstyle.fpt 4,096 05-01-98 1:33p
Gridbldr.pjt 16,863 05-01-98 1:33p
Gridbldr.pjx 3,663 05-01-98 1:33p
Listbldr.pjt 16,104 05-01-98 1:33p
Listbldr.pjx 3,013 05-01-98 1:33p
Readme.txt 2,872 05-01-98 1:33p
Ribuildr.pjt 176,583 05-01-98 1:33p
Ribuildr.pjx 4,573 05-01-98 1:33p
Stylbldr.pjt 8,415 05-01-98 1:33p
Stylbldr.pjx 2,753 05-01-98 1:33p
Wb.h 5,069 05-01-98 1:33p
Wbgrid.prg 7,462 05-01-98 1:33p
Wbmain.prg 44,134 05-01-98 1:33p
Wbpick.vct 11,517 05-01-98 1:33p
Wbpick.vcx 2,667 05-01-98 1:33p
Wizard.dbf 3,343 05-01-98 1:33p
Wizard.fpt 8,000 05-01-98 1:33p
Wizard.pjt 36,416 05-01-98 1:33p
Wizard.pjx 2,753 05-01-98 1:33p
Wizard.prg 3,577 05-01-98 1:33p
Wregtbl.dbf 3,469 05-01-98 1:33p
Wregtbl.fpt 6,204 05-01-98 1:33p
Builders <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Cmdbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Editbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Formbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Gridbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Listbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Ribuildr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
Stylbldr <DIR> 07-15-98 11:03a
38 file(s) 718,615 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
1mrpt1.Bmp 7,678 05-01-98 1:33p
1mrpt1.Msk 2,162 05-01-98 1:33p
1mrpt2.Bmp 7,678 05-01-98 1:33p
1mrpt2.Msk 7,678 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldcmd.H 1,230 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldcombo.H 1,706 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldedit.H 40 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldform.H 242 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldgrid.H 2,270 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldlist.H 2,755 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldopt.H 993 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldstyle.H 399 05-01-98 1:33p
Bldtext.H 1,132 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.dbf 1,543 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.fpt 4,288 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.H 2,487 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.vct 99,198 05-01-98 1:33p
Builder.vcx 3,975 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmbbdcmb.bmp 766 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmbbdlst.bmp 766 05-01-98 1:33p
Defmasks.cdx 4,608 05-01-98 1:33p
Defmasks.dbf 4,041 05-01-98 1:33p
Frmbhz1.bmp 1,078 05-01-98 1:33p
Frmbvt1.bmp 1,078 05-01-98 1:33p
Grdbdsty.bmp 9,334 05-01-98 1:33p
Readme.txt 1,609 05-01-98 1:33p
26 file(s) 170,734 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Cmdbldr.vct 76,252 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmdbldr.vcx 3,975 05-01-98 1:33p
Cmdmain.prg 1,777 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 82,004 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Editbldr.vct 66,895 05-01-98 1:33p
Editbldr.vcx 5,065 05-01-98 1:33p
Editmain.prg 1,783 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 73,743 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Formbldr.vct 17,688 05-01-98 1:33p
Formbldr.vcx 2,449 05-01-98 1:33p
Formmain.prg 1,774 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 21,911 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Gridbldr.vct 151,717 05-01-98 1:33p
Gridbldr.vcx 4,956 05-01-98 1:33p
Gridmain.prg 1,774 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 158,447 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Listbldr.prg 1,763 05-01-98 1:33p
Listbldr.vct 126,989 05-01-98 1:33p
Listbldr.vcx 5,501 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 134,253 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Ribuildr.h 3,107 05-01-98 1:33p
Ribuildr.vct 89,100 05-01-98 1:33p
Ribuildr.vcx 3,757 05-01-98 1:33p
Rimain.prg 1,937 05-01-98 1:33p
4 file(s) 97,901 bytes
Directory of \Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Stylbldr.vct 34,180 05-01-98 1:33p
Stylbldr.vcx 3,539 05-01-98 1:33p
Stylmain.prg 1,786 05-01-98 1:33p
3 file(s) 39,505 bytes
When opening the projects for the various builders in the \Builders folder,
you are prompted for the location of files that the Project Manager cannot
find. Most, if not all, of these files are located in the
\XSource\VFPSource\Wizards folder that is created when the file
is unzipped. The \Wizards\wzcommon and \Wizards\wzcommon\bmps folders
contain many of the files that the Project Manager cannot locate. You can
also look in the related subfolder under the \Wizards folder for the
builder project that you are opening for files that the Project Manager
cannot locate. For instance, if you are opening the Formbldr.pjx project,
the Project Manager may not be able to locate the Shadowed.bmp file. Locate
this file in the \XSource\VFPSource\Wizards\Wzform\bmps folder. Use the
Find utility in the Windows Explorer if necessary to find missing files if
they cannot be located easily.
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Perry
Newton, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words:
vfp6xsource kbVFp kbVFp600 kbBuilder
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo