FIX: Unexpected Results Display With Input Mask

ID: Q191503

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0a


When typing a new value, such as 5.25, into a blank text box that has an input mask similar to 999,999.99, an extra zero is added between the decimal and the last digit entered before the decimal.


This problem occurs when an input mask contains one or more commas and the number of digits entered before the decimal does not fill out the number of places to the left of the commas.


This problem only occurs in Visual FoxPro 5.x. Visual FoxPro 3.x and 6.0 do not exhibit this problem. Therefore, upgrading to Visual FoxPro 6.0 is a possible resolution.

Here are two possible resolutions you can use for Visual FoxPro 5.x:

  • Do not use an input mask with numeric data. If the ControlSource of the text box is a numeric field in a table, you will not be able to enter alphabetic data into the text box, with or without an input mask. The drawback to this method is that commas will not show when you enter large numbers.

  • Instead of a Numeric type field in the table, use a Double type field. Then use the K format code in the Format property of the text box along with the input mask.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


The InputMask property of fields and controls restricts or dictates the format of user input. In Visual FoxPro 5.x, if a text box has a numeric field in a table as a ControlSource and the InputMask property of the text box is set to 999,999.99, entering a number with three or less digits to the left of the decimal causes an additional zero to remain immediately to the left of the decimal point. Entering numbers with four or more digits to the left of the decimal point do not cause the problem with the extra zero.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Enter the following code into a program file and save the program:
          PUBLIC oform1
          CREATE TABLE xjunkpr FREE (f1 N(10,2))
          *-- Form:         form1
          *-- ParentClass:  form
          *-- BaseClass:    form
          DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form
             Top = 0
             Left = 0
             DoCreate = .T.
             Caption = "Form1"
             Name = "Form1"
          ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH ;
             Top = 168, ;
             Left = 240, ;
             Height = 73, ;
             Width = 121, ;
             Caption = "Quit", ;
             TabIndex = 5, ;
             Name = "Command1"
          ADD OBJECT command2 AS commandbutton WITH ;
             Top = 24, ;
             Left = 240, ;
             Height = 73, ;
             Width = 121, ;
             Caption = "New Record", ;
             TabIndex = 1, ;
             Name = "Command2"
          ADD OBJECT text1 AS textbox WITH ;
             ControlSource = "xjunkpr.f1", ;
             Format = "", ;
             Height = 25, ;
             InputMask = "999,999.99", ;
             Left = 24, ;
             TabIndex = 2, ;
             Top = 24, ;
             Width = 168, ;
             Name = "Text1"
          ADD OBJECT command3 AS commandbutton WITH ;
             Top = 168, ;
             Left = 24, ;
             Height = 49, ;
             Width = 73, ;
             Caption = "Prior", ;
             TabIndex = 4, ;
             Name = "Command3"
          ADD OBJECT command4 AS commandbutton WITH ;
             Top = 168, ;
             Left = 120, ;
             Height = 49, ;
             Width = 73, ;
             Caption = "Next", ;
             TabIndex = 3, ;
             Name = "Command4"
          PROCEDURE command1.Click
          PROCEDURE command2.Click
             APPEND BLANK
          PROCEDURE command3.Click
             SKIP -1
             IF BOF()
                GO TOP
          PROCEDURE command4.Click
             SKIP 1
             IF EOF()
                GO BOTTOM
          *-- EndDefine: form1

  2. Run the program.

  3. Click (or press ENTER) the New Record button to add a new record to the table.

  4. Press Tab once to move the cursor to the text box.

  5. Enter a number with a decimal point, for example, enter "5.25" (without the quotes).

  6. Note that once the first digit it entered, 0.00 appears at the right end of the text box. Then when the decimal is entered, the digit and leading zero remain and the insertion point moves to the right of the decimal.

Additional query words: kbVFp600fix kbOOP kbvfp500

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 11, 1999
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