HOWTO: Implement GenHTML Functionality in VFP Run-Time App

ID: Q191527

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0


This article describes how to implement GenHTML functionality in Visual FoxPro 6.0 run-time applications (including APPs, EXEs, DLLs, and so forth).


  1. Add the GenHTML.prg file to your project. GenHTML.prg is located in the Visual FoxPro root directory specified by HOME().

  2. Add the _HTML.vcx file to your project. The _HTML.vcx class library is located in the Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes (FFC) directory specified by HOME()+"FFC\".

  3. If you plan to use any of the Web Wizard data page output layouts at run-time, you must also add the _HTMLSty.vcx file to your project. The _HTMLSty.vcx class library is located in the Visual FoxPro FFC directory specified by HOME()+"FFC\". If you add the _HTMLSty.vcx file to your project, you need to add the following two lines of code to your startup program in order to avoid a project build error:
          FUNCTION taFields()

  4. Generally, when you call GenHTML you do it by executing the following line:
          DO (_GENHTML) WITH <params> 
    The default value of _GENHTML in the development version of Visual FoxPro is HOME()+"GENHTML.PRG". In run-time applications, you should manually set _GENHTML="GENHTML.PRG" at the start of your application so that the GENHTML.PRG program included in your application is properly executing at run-time using the same DO (_GENHTML) WITH <params> commands.

  5. Build the project into an APP, EXE, or DLL. Note that the _Base.vcx class library is automatically added to your project if it did not already exist in the project.


Visual FoxPro 6.0 Books Online: Programmer's Guide; Chapter 13, "Compiling an Application"

Additional query words: PGFEST600 kbVFp600 kbInternet

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: August 20, 1999
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