PRB: Controls Not Getting Focus After Clicking IE Address Area

ID: Q192211

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0


The edit or text region of any control (including text boxes, edit boxes, spinners and combo boxes) in an ActiveDocument does not regain focus after selecting the Address region in Internet Explorer.


Try clicking outside of Internet Explorer. For instance, click the Windows Desktop, and then select the text or edit region of the control again in the ActiveDocument to regain focus.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Create a project, named Myactivedoc.

  2. Create a form, named Myform.

  3. Add a few controls to the form, like text boxes, edit boxes, spinners and combo boxes.

  4. Save and add the form to the project.

  5. Create a class, named Myclass, based on ActiveDoc.

  6. Place the following code in the Run event of the ActiveDoc class:

       DO FORM myform
       READ EVENT 
  8. Place the following code in the ContainerRelease event:

  10. Save the class as Myactivecls.vcx and add it to the project.

  11. Make sure Myactivecls.vcx is "Set To Main" before you build the application.

  12. Now, click the Build button and select Build Application to build an application.

  13. From the Tools menu, select Run Active Document and type in

  14. Once is hosted in Internet Explorer, click around all the controls and try typing something in the controls. You can type into the text or edit region and move from control to control.

  15. Now, click the Address drop-down or type something in the Address text box region in Internet Explorer.

  16. The cursor remains in the last control that you clicked or typed in and cannot be moved to the Address region even if you have selected the Address region. Now, click back on the last control used before you clicked the Address region and start typing again. The text that you type appears in the Address region in Internet Explorer and not in the actual control that contains the cursor.

Additional query words: activedoc

Keywords : kbActiveDocs kbIE kbVFp600
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
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