FIX: Few Tables Listed when Using the Remote View Wizard

ID: Q193403

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0a


When you create a remote view with the Remote View wizard, only a small number of tables in the database are available in the Tables list box of the "Step 2 - Select fields" window.


Use the Remote View Designer to create the view instead of the Remote View Wizard.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This bug has been corrected in Visual FoxPro 6.0.


If a regular remote view is created, all of the tables are listed in the Open dialog box that appears after making the connection to the database. All of the tables may or may not appear depending on the backend database system to which you are connecting. When using Oracle as the backend, all of the tables consistently do not appear when using the Remote View Wizard. This same behavior could effect other database systems as well.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Make sure a database container is open in Visual FoxPro and from the File menu, select New.

  2. In the New dialog box, select the Remote View option button and then click the Wizard button.

  3. In the Remote View Wizard dialog box, Step 1 - Choose Data Source is displayed in the drop-down list box. Select the "ODBC data sources" option button and in the "Available Data Sources" list box, choose a data source that will connect to an Oracle server.

  4. In the Remote View Wizard dialog box, "Step 2 - Select Fields" is now displayed in the drop-down list box. Count the number of tables listed in the Tables list box.

  5. Select the Cancel button in the Remote View Wizard. From the File menu, choose New. In the New dialog box, select the Remote View option button and then select the "New File" button.

  6. Select an Oracle data source in the "Select Connection or Data Source" dialog box and log in using the correct user name and password.

  7. When the Open dialog box appears, count the number of tables listed in the Tables list box.

NOTE: You will see fewer tables available when you use the wizard to create the remote view. This has been fixed in Visual FoxPro 6.0.

Additional query words: kbVFp600fix kbVFp500abug kbwizard KbDBFDBC kbDatabase kbDesigner

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
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