BUG: Labels Disabled in a Class Not Disabled at Run-Time

ID: Q193775

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0


A label on a form appears enabled although the Enabled property is set to False (.F.).


Disable the label in the Init method of the label or the form. Please see the Steps to Reproduce Behavior section for more information.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Here are two scenarios where the problem occurs:

  • The label is subclassed from the Visual FoxPro label base class, either visually or in code, and the Enabled property in the class definition is set to False (.F.). Then you place the label subclass on a form.


  • When the label is on a form that is subclassed from the Visual FoxPro form base class as a standard Visual FoxPro label base class and has it's Enabled property is set to False (.F.).

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

You can use the following steps to reproduce the problem described in the first scenario of the MORE INFORMATION section:

  1. Copy the following code into a new program file in Visual FoxPro and save it as Test1.prg:
          PUBLIC y
          DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form
             DoCreate = .T.
             Caption = "Form1"
             Name = "Form1"
             ADD OBJECT brokenlabel1 AS brokenlabel WITH ;
                Height = 24, ;
                Left = 72, ;
                Top = 48, ;
                Width = 108, ;
                Name = "brokenlabel1"
             PROCEDURE Init
             PROCEDURE brokenlabel1.Init
          DEFINE CLASS brokenlabel AS label
             Caption = "Label1"
             Enabled = .F.
             Height = 17
             Width = 40
             Name = "brokenlabel"

  2. From the Command window, issue the following commands:
          DO test1.prg   && this should display the form
          ? y.brokenlabel1.Enabled                && Returns False.
          y.brokenlabel1.ForeColor=RGB(0,0,255)   && Makes the label text blue
          *                                          but it shouldn't since the
          *                                          label is disabled.
          y.brokenlabel1.Enabled=.F.          && Finally disables the label.
          RELEASE y                           && Closes the form. 

  3. To make the label appear disabled when the form loads, uncomment the line of code under the Init procedure of either the form or the label.

Use the following steps to reproduce the problem described in the second scenario of the MORE INFORMATION section.

  1. Copy the code below into a new program file in Visual FoxPro and save it as Test2.prg:
          PUBLIC x
          DEFINE CLASS labelform AS form
            DoCreate = .T.
            Caption = "Form2"
            Name = "labelform"
            ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ;
                Caption = "Label1", ;
                Enabled = .F., ;
                Height = 17, ;
                Left = 48, ;
                Top = 60, ;
                Width = 72, ;
                Name = "Label1"

  2. From the Command window, issue the following commands:
          DO test2.prg   && This should display the form.
          ? x.label1.Enabled                && Returns False.
          x.label1.ForeColor=RGB(0,0,255)   && Makes the label text blue
          *                                    but it shouldn't since the label
          *                                    is disabled.
          x.label1.Enabled=.F.              && Finally disables the label.
          RELEASE x                         && Closes the form. 

  3. To make the label appear disabled when the form loads, add the following code to the class definition after the ADD OBJECT section for the label:
          PROCEDURE Init

NOTE: All the code in the preceding steps came from opening the forms and visual classes in the Class Browser. The problems described also occur when using the Visual Class Designer and Form Designer to create the forms and classes.

Additional query words: kbVFp600bug kbVFp500abug kbOOP kbvfp500a kbvfp600

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0a,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
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