The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYPATCH_26.exe is a self-extracting executable file that updates the FoxPro for Windows version 2.6a development environment and run time to eliminate startup errors encountered on computers operating at clock speeds of about 333 MHz and faster. MORE INFORMATIONThe following files are available for download from the Microsoft
Download Center. Click the file names below to download the files: IPatchFP.exe Patch_26.exeFor more information about how to download files from the Microsoft Download Center, please visit the Download Center at the following Web address then click How to use the Microsoft Download Center. Steps to Reproduce BehaviorRun FoxPro for Windows, or a FoxPro for Windows run-time application, on a computer that has a 333MHz (or faster) processor. On some computers, the error occurs at startup each time, while on others, the program might load without error sometimes and produce the error at other times.NOTE: The problem described in this article might also occur with computers that have multiple processors. Under Windows 95 or Windows 98 when starting FoxPro for Windows or a FoxPro for Windows run-time application, you receive the following error:
Clicking Ignore allows FoxPro to start. Clicking Close causes another error dialog box to display as follows: Clicking the Details button displays text like this: NOTE: For a run-time application, the module in the preceding error message will be Foxw2600.esl. Under Windows NT, after starting FoxPro for Windows or a FoxPro for Windows run-time application, the following error occurs: Clicking Close causes the program to terminate. REFERENCESFor additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q102893 PATCH: FoxPro 2.6a Patch Files for FoxPro 2.6 Additional query words:
Keywords : kbfile kbGrpFox kbDSupport |
Last Reviewed: December 2, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |