Effects of Pressing the Reset Button on Handheld PC

ID: Q168689

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows CE version 1.0 for the Handheld PC

When you press the reset button on your Handheld PC (H/PC), the following actions occur:

  • Your H/PC shuts down.

  • Any unsaved data is lost. Any data that you have saved is preserved.

  • Any windows that are open at the time you press the reset button are closed.

  • Any connection is broken, including H/PC to H/PC, H/PC to desktop computer, or modem connections.

To restart your H/PC, press the ON key.

Additional query words: hand held 1.00

Keywords : kbusage wince handheld
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 3, 1999
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