No Selection After Hiding Column or Row

ID: Q169077

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Pocket Excel, version 1.0


After you hide a column or row in Pocket Excel, there is no visible selection (focus).


To restore focus after you hide a column, use one of the following methods:

  • Press the LEFT ARROW key to restore focus to the first cell in the column to the left of the hidden column. For example, if you hide column C and then press the LEFT ARROW key, the first cell in column B is selected.

  • Press the RIGHT ARROW key to restore focus to the first cell in the column that is two columns to the right of the hidden column. For example, if you hide column C and then press the RIGHT ARROW key, the first cell in column E is selected.

To restore focus after you hide a row, use one of the following methods:
  • Press the UP ARROW key to restore focus to the first cell in the row above the hidden row. For example, if you hide row 3 and then press the UP ARROW key, the first cell in row 2 is selected.

  • Press the DOWN ARROW to restore focus to the first cell in the row that is two rows below the hidden row. For example, if you hide row 3 and then press the DOWN ARROW key, the first cell in row 5 is selected.


Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: 1.00 hand held

Keywords : kbui wince handheld pocketexcel
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 25, 1999
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