Pocket Outlook Messages in the Drafts Folder Do Not Synchronize

ID: Q212838

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows CE version 3.0 Professional Edition for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Outlook, versions 2000, 97, 98


When you save a message in the Drafts folder of Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Pocket Outlook, the message is not synchronized with the other program even though you configured the programs to synchronize.

For example, if you save a message to the Drafts folder in Outlook, and then you synchronize your Handheld PC (H/PC) Pro with your desktop computer, the message is not synchronized to the Drafts folder in Pocket Outlook on the H/PC Pro.


Windows CE Services synchronizes only Offline folders. In Pocket Outlook, the only Offline folder is the Inbox folder. Any messages you store in other folders are not synchronized.

This is by design.

Additional query words: wince pocketoutlook hpc

Keywords : kbinterop kbnetwork kbtool pocketoutlook
Version : WINDOWS:2000,3.0 Professional Edition,97,98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 18, 1999
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