Err Msg: There Was a Problem Syncing 'Folder Name' to Your Mobile Device. Please Make Sure...
ID: Q239537
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows CE version 2.0 for the Palm-size PC
Microsoft ActiveSync 3.0
After you synchronize your Palm-size PC (P/PC) with your desktop computer, ActiveSync may indicate that you have unresolved items. When you click the link to resolve the items, you may receive the following error message:
There was a problem syncing 'folder name' to your mobile device. Please make sure the file is not in use and you have sufficient memory on your mobile device.
This issue can occur if you restore from a backup a folder in the My Documents folder that has the same name as a folder on the P/PC, and then synchronize the P/PC to the desktop computer.
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
- On the desktop computer, move all items from the Synchronized Files folder in the My Documents folder to a different location on your hard disk.
- Delete the partnership to your mobile device. To do this, disconnect the P/PC, open ActiveSync, and then click Delete Partnershipon the File menu. Also, when you are prompted, click Yes to delete the Synchronized Files folder.
- Reconnect the P/PC, and then synchronize it. When you are prompted, click to Combine the contents of the device with the desktop computer.
- Move the items that you moved in step 1 back to the Synchronized Files folder.
This problem only reproduces with ActiveSync 3.0 and Palm-size PC 2.0 devices.
Additional query words:
wince templates
Keywords : kbenv kberrmsg kbhw kbnetwork kbtool wince
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb