Pocket Streets: Unable to Install Pocket Streets

ID: Q246103

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Pocket Automap Streets for Windows CE, versions 2.5, 2.51


When you attempt to install Microsoft Pocket Automap Streets for Windows CE, you may be unable to do so.


This behavior can occur if you attempt to install the version of Pocket Automap Streets that is included with your Microsoft Windows CE device.


To resolve this issue, download and install the latest version of Pocket Automap Streets from the following Microsoft Web site:


Additional query words: multi multi-media media mm auto-map amap installing setup

Keywords : kbsetup kburl kbimu
Version : WINDOWS:2.5,2.51
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 30, 1999
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