Mode Button Must Be On for Game Pad to Work

ID: Q172149

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SideWinder game pad, version 1.0


The SideWinder game pad Mode button must be on for the game pad to work. When the Mode button is off, the game pad does not work and the Gaming Devices tool in Control Panel displays "Not connected" for the SideWinder game pad.


The Mode button is used for enabling and disabling the joystick port on the back of the SideWinder game pad. When the Mode light is off and the Gaming Devices tool is set to "SideWinder game pad," you receive a "Not connected" message. Leave the Mode button on (light on) at all times when you are using the game pad.

Additional query words: lit

Keywords : kbenv gamepad joystick
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 9, 1999
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