Force Feedback Err Msg: Device or Power Disconnected

ID: Q175164

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SideWinder Game Device software version 2.0
  • Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro


When the Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro joystick is connected to your computer in pass-through (light out) mode, through another device such as a Microsoft game pad, you receive the following error message:

Device disconnected error.
Followed by:
Power disconnected error.


The game pad to which the SideWinder Force Feedback Pro joystick is connected is in the wrong mode (the light is on). The light on the game pad indicates that the SideWinder Force Feedback Pro joystick is no longer the selected device. If you press the Retry button before pressing the Mode button on the game pad (to turn the light off), the error messages will alternate between "device disconnected" and "power disconnected" until the game pad is set to pass-through mode.


Before you press the Retry button, restore pass-through (light off) mode by pressing the Mode button on the game pad.

Additional query words: side winder joy stick forcefeedback feed back daisychain daisy chain

Keywords : kberrmsg kbhw kbusage sidewinder joystick
Version : WINDOWS:2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 10, 1999
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