MNK Pro: USB Device Connected to Port Does Not Work Properly

ID: Q237546

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft IntelliType Pro software, version 1.0
  • Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro version 1.0
  • Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, version 1.0


When you connect a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device to a USB port on the Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro, the device may not work properly.


This behavior can occur if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You are using Microsoft Windows 95 or earlier as your operating system. These operating systems do not support HID (Human Interface Device) class USB devices.

  • The Natural Keyboard Pro is connected to the PS/2 port only on your computer.

  • The USB device is not a low-powered USB device.


To resolve this issue, use the following methods in the order in which they are presented. If the issue continues to occur, proceed to the next method.

Confirm that Your Computer Supports HID Class USB Devices

Verify that you are using an operating system that supports HID class USB devices.

To obtain additional information about USB support for your computer, contact your hardware manufacturer.

Verify that Your Device Is Enabled and Installed Correctly

For additional information about how to determine if your USB device is enabled and installed correctly, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q191772 USB Devices May Not Be Detected by Windows 98

Connect Your Keyboard to Both the USB and PS/2 Ports

To do this:
  1. Shut down and turn off your computer.

  2. Plug the PS/2 connector on the Natural Keyboard Pro into the PS/2 port on your computer.

  3. Turn your computer on.

  4. Plug the USB connector on the Natural Keyboard Pro into the USB port on your computer.

  5. If necessary, install the Microsoft IntelliType Pro software.

Confirm that the USB Device Is a Low-Powered Device

Devices connected to the USB port on the Natural Keyboard Pro must be low-powered devices that consume 100 mA or less of current. Consult the printed documentation provided with the device or contact your hardware manufacturer for more information about your specific device.

Additional query words: 1.00 mnkpro hubs attach power

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbhw kbimu
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 20, 2000
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