IntelliPoint Setup Tries to Read Setup Disk at Reboot

ID: Q120709

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft IntelliPoint software, version 1.0
  • Microsoft IntelliPoint software Home Edition, version 1.0


After you install the Microsoft Home Mouse or the Microsoft Standard Mouse with IntelliPoint software version 1.0, Setup displays the following dialog box:

Setup Exit: Setup is completed. Choose Reboot to restart your computer [remember to remove the Setup Disk] or choose Exit to return to Windows

<Reboot> <Exit>

When you choose Reboot, the system attempts to reads the IntelliPoint Setup disk regardless of whether the disk is in the floppy disk drive.

After you remove the Setup disk from the floppy disk drive and choose Reboot, the following error message is displayed:
System Error: Cannot read from drive A:

<Cancel> <Retry>


Choosing the Cancel button two or more times eventually reboots the system successfully without reinserting the IntelliPoint Setup disk.


Reinserting the IntelliPoint Setup disk after the first occurrence of the error and then choosing Retry, starts the reboot. However, the system continues to read the disk and then attempts to boot from the Setup disk, resulting in the MS-DOS error "Non-System Diskette. Replace and press any key when ready." If this occurs, simply reboot without the IntelliPoint Setup disk in the floppy disk drive.

Additional query words: 1.00 home standard mouse

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0; :1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 16, 1999
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