IntelliPoint Err Msg: STOP: File Not Found, Support Files...

ID: Q120710

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft IntelliPoint software version 1.0a


The following error occurs when you try to run the Microsoft Home or Microsoft Standard Mouse with IntelliPoint software version 1.0a after the initial installation:

   STOP: File not found. The support files required to run the IntelliPoint
   Tools & Controls are not found. Reinstall your mouse product.



This error usually occurs when the IntelliPoint software has not been completely installed because Windows was not rebooted prior to starting the IntelliPoint program. This error can also be caused by improper or missing entries in the .INI files that are updated by the IntelliPoint Setup program.


To correct this problem, be sure to reboot the system as well as restarting Windows. Check the appropriate .INI files for the following correct IntelliPoint entries:







   MouseType=<to appropriate Serial1, Serial2, or PS2> 
NOTE: Other customized pointer lines may be included in the MSINPUT.INI file.


Windows must be restarted after you run IntelliPoint Setup. Rebooting Windows allows IntelliPoint Setup to complete the installation by updating the appropriate .INI files (WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, and MSINPUT.INI). The Windows installation of IntelliPoint 1.0a does not mention that Windows or the system must be restarted. It specifies only to remove the disk when selecting restart or to select exit to return to Windows.

NOTE: Version 1.0 of IntelliPoint does not generate this error message. The IntelliPoint software version 1.0 generates file errors on MOUSEX16.DLL if you try to start IntelliPoint without restarting Windows after the first installation.

Additional query words: 1.00a mouse home intellpoint intellipnt intelipnt intlipoint intliPnt intelipoint

Keywords :
Version : 1.00a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 8, 1999
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