IntelliMouse Explorer: Mouse Does Not Respond When Connected to USB Port
ID: Q249428
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, version 1.0
When you connect a Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer mouse to the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port in your computer, the light inside the mouse may not turn on, and the mouse may not respond. In addition, a yellow exclamation mark may appear on the icon for the IntelliMouse Explorer in Device Manager.
When you view the properties of the device, you may receive the following error message on the Status line:
Ntkern.vxd device loader for this device could not load the device
This behavior can occur if both of the following conditions are true:
- An OEM version of Microsoft Windows 98 or an OEM version of
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) is installed on your
- The Hidclass.sys, Hidparse.sys, or Hidusb.sys files are missing or
improperly installed.
To resolve this issue, use the following methods in the order in which they are presented.
Verify That the Hidclass.sys, Hidparse.sys, or Hidusb.sys Files Are in the Windows\System32\Drivers Folder
To verify that the Hidclass.sys, Hidparse.sys, or Hidusb.sys files are in the Windows\System32\Drivers folder:
- Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
- In the Named box, type hidusb.sys hidparse.sys
- In the Look in box, click My Computer, and
then click Find Now.
- In the list of found files, verify that the Hidusb.sys,
Hidparse.sys, and Hidclass.sys files are all located in
the following folder:
Reinstall Any Missing Files
If the Hidusb.sys, Hidparse.sys, or Hidclass.sys file is missing from the Windows\System32\Drivers folder, extract a new copy of that file from the OEM Windows 98 CD-ROM, and then install the file in the Windows\System32\Drivers folder. To do this:
- Insert the OEM Windows 98 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Press and
hold down the SHIFT key as you insert the CD-ROM to prevent Windows
Setup from starting automatically.
- Click Start, and then click Run.
- In the Open box, type sfc, and then
click OK.
- Click Extract one file from installation disk.
- In the Specify the system file you would like to
restore box, type the name of the missing file, and then click
- In the Restore from box, type the following line
where drive is the drive letter of the CD-ROM
- In the Save file in box, type the following line,
and then click OK
where drive is the drive letter of the hard disk on
which Windows 98 is installed.
- Click OK, and then click OK again.
- When you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes.
Repeat these steps to reinstall each missing file.
Additional query words:
1.00 intelli imouse
Keywords : kbenv kbhw intellimouse kbimu
Issue type : kbprb