Expanding Microsoft Mouse Driver 7.04 from Windows 3.0 Disks

ID: Q74703

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mouse driver for MS-DOS, version 7.04
  • Microsoft Windows 3.0


The Microsoft Windows version 3.0 disk set (5.25- and 3.5-inch) contains the Microsoft Mouse driver version 7.04 in compressed format.


MOUSE.COM (19218 bytes) and MOUSE.SY$ (19133 bytes) are on disk 4 of the 5.25-inch Windows 3.0 set and disk 5 of the 3.5-inch set. Both of these file are in compressed format, and must be decompressed using the Windows 3.0 EXPAND.EXE utility before they can be used. When MOUSE.COM version 7.04 is successfully expanded, the file size will be 31833 bytes, and MOUSE.SYS will be 31701 bytes.

It is recommended to load the MOUSE.COM version. To decompress the file and to set up your Microsoft Mouse the way the Microsoft Mouse Setup program would, do the following:

  1. Determine if you have a C:\MOUSE1 or C:\MOUSE directory. If neither exists, then create a C:\MOUSE directory.

  2. From disk 2 of the Windows 3.0 set (both 5.25-inch and 3.5-inch), copy the file EXPAND.EXE to the C:\MOUSE subdirectory.

  3. Place the disk containing MOUSE.COM in drive A.

  4. At the MS-DOS prompt from the C:\MOUSE subdirectory, type the following:
    expand a:\mouse.com mouse.com
    Note: MOUSE.COM in the C:\MOUSE directory should be 31833K bytes in size.

  5. To have the Mouse driver load automatically, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
    c:\mouse\mouse /y

For more information of the /Y switch, query on the following words:
mouse and /y

Additional query words: 3.00 packed crunched

Keywords : win30
Version : MS-DOS:7.04; WINDOWS:3.0
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 15, 1999
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