The information in this article applies to:
In Active Server Pages, when instantiating a COM object on a remote
computer that is located behind a firewall, the following error occurs:
The following log entry may be present in the Application Event Log of the IIS server:
The following log entry may be present in the Application Event Log of the computer on which the object was configured to be launched:
CAUSEThe Server.CreateObject method attempts to marshal the ASP intrinsic objects (Request, Response, and so forth) to Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). When the MTS server is behind a firewall, MTS is unable to unmarshal these intrinsic objects because Interface Callbacks are not possible across DCOM Firewalls. Thus, the creation of the object fails. RESOLUTION
The CreateObject function in VBScript does not use MTS, and the ASP
intrinsic objects are not marshaled, so the creation of the COM object
works fine across the firewall.
STATUSThis behavior is by design. MORE INFORMATION
Here's an example of Server.CreateObject syntax:
Here's an example of CreateObject syntax:
For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on
Visual InterDev and Active Server Pages, see the following page on the
Microsoft Technical Support site: (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by John Lewis, Microsoft Corporation. Additional query words:
Keywords : kberrmsg kbASP kbCOMt kbMTS kbScript kbSecurity kbGrpASP kbiis400 kbiis500 |
Last Reviewed: December 8, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |