How to Configure PWS for Macintosh as an FTP Server

ID: Q164064

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Personal Web Server version 1.0 for Macintosh


This article describes how to configure Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS) for Macintosh as a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.


To configure Personal Web Server for Macintosh as an FTP server, follow these steps:

  1. Move the FTP plug-in from the Microsoft Internet Applications:Personal Web Server folder to the System Folder:MS Internet:PWS:Server Plug-ins folder.

  2. Configure the folder that you want people to be able to access using FTP so that the appropriate people are able to access it. Note that the My Personal Web Site folder is used unless you specify a different folder. To configure the folder that you want people to be able to access using FTP, follow these steps:
    1. On the Apple menu, point to Control Panels, and then click Users & Groups.

    2. If you want to specify access privileges for an individual person who does not already appear in the Users & Groups window, click New User on the File menu. If you want to specify access privileges for a group that does not already appear, click New Group on the File menu. After you click New User or New Group, type the name of the new user or group, and then press ENTER. Repeat this step for each new user or group for whom you want to specify access control privileges.

    3. On the File menu, click Close Window.

    4. Open the drive that contains the folder that you want people to be able to access using FTP, click the folder, and then click Sharing on the File menu.

    5. Click the Share This Item And Its Contents check box to select it, and then specify the appropriate access privileges for the users and groups.

    6. On the File menu, click Close Window.

  3. Use Internet Explorer to access the FTP Server Administration Web page. To do so, type the following URL in the Address box in Internet Explorer
    where <url> is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that appears on the My URL line in the Microsoft Personal Web Server control panel. For example, if "" appears on the My URL line, type the following URL in the Address box in Internet Explorer:

  4. Click the Enable FTP Server check box to select it.

  5. If you want to allow anonymous connections to your FTP site, click the Allow Anonymous Logins check box to select it. When you select the Allow Anonymous Logins check box, users are able to establish anonymous connections and access folders that allow Guest access.

  6. If you want users to be able to modify your FTP site, click the Allow File Uploads check box to select it. When you select the Allow File Uploads check box, users who have permission to make changes to a particular folder are able to upload files to, create folders in, and delete files from the folder.

  7. Type a number in the Simultaneous Connections box. Note that allowing a greater number of simultaneous connections reduces the amount of available system resources.

  8. If you configured a folder other than the My Personal Web Site folder in step 2, type the full path to the folder in the FTP Folder box, including spaces.

  9. Click Submit.

Additional query words: 1.00

Keywords : kbnetwork mspwsmac
Version : MACINTOSH:1.0
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 3, 2000
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