PRB: #import "shdocvw.dll" / tagREADYSTATE compile errors

ID: Q169433

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) version 4.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, version 5.0


When using the #import compiler directive to import Shdocvw.dll, several errors similar to the following will be reported:

error C2556: 'GetReadyState' : overloaded functions
only differ by return type
error C2371: 'GetReadyState' : redefinition;
different basic types
error C2664: 'get_ReadyState' : cannot convert
parameter 1 from 'enum SHDocVw::tagREADYSTATE *' to 'enum tagREADYSTATE *'
When using the #import compiler directive with the no_namespace attribute to import Shdocvw.dll, several errors similar to the following will be reported:
error C2011: 'tagREADYSTATE' :
'enum' type redefinition
error C2871: 'SHDocVw' : does not
exist or is not a namespace


These errors are generated because of the inclusion of the tagReadyState definition in Ocidl.idl (included by the .idl for shdocvw).

Including tagReadyState in Ocidl.idl causes tagReadyState to be included in the type library for Shdocvw.dll. In turn, #import "shdocvw.dll" includes the definition of tagReadyState in the generated headers for Shdocvw.dll. This definition collides with the definition of tagReadyState in Ocidl.h.


The exclude attribute of the #import directive can be used to work around this problem. Use #import shdocvw.dll as follows:

#import <shdocvw.dll> exclude("tagREADYSTATE") 
The tagReadyState will be defined for your project through the inclusion of Ocidl.h.


This behavior is by design.


Visual C++ Preprocessor Reference: The #import directive

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbWebBrowser AXSDKIEScripting kbIEFAQ
Version : WINDOWS:4.0; winnt:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 27, 2000
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