Release Notes File from Internet Explorer 2.0 for Macintosh

ID: Q150749

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2.0 for Macintosh


This article contains a copy of the information in the Release Notes file included with Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Macintosh.


Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh 2.0


Microsoft Internet Explorer is a World Wide Web (WWW) browser for the Macintosh. The WWW is the fastest growing component of the Internet today and the first to display styled text and graphics. In order to use a WWW browser, you will need a modem or network access, access to the Internet, and software that enables your computer to communicate with the Internet.


System Requirements

  • 68030 processor or better

  • System 7.0.1 and above

  • 8 MB of RAM

  • 2 - 4 MB of hard disk space

Access to the Internet

You must have access to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider or the network to which your computer is connected.

Internet software

If you have a 68k Macintosh or Power Macintosh with NuBus (such as Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100, and Performa 52xx, 62xx, 63xx):
  • MacTCP (Control Panel)

  • If you are a dial-up user, Config PPP or similar PPP connection software (Control Panel) with PPP (Extension)

  • If you are running less than System 7.5 on a 68k machine, Thread Manager 2.0 (this extension will automatically be installed for you in the Extensions folder in your System folder)

If you have a PCI Power Macintosh (such as Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, 9500):
  • Open Transport 1.0.8 or greater (Extension)

  • If you are a dial-up user, Config PPP or similar PPP connection software (Control Panel) with PPP (Extension)

  • TCP/IP (Control Panel)

Attention Beta Testers
  • Be sure to delete old beta copies of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Use the Open File command on the File menu to open HTML documents that you saved using Internet Explorer Beta 1.

  • To import your Favorites list from Microsoft Internet Explorer Beta 2:
    1. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.

    2. On the Favorites menu, choose Open Favorites.

    3. Click the Desktop to make the Finder active.

    4. Locate the folder System Folder/Preferences/Explorer/Favorites.

    5. Double-click the Favorites folder to open it.

    6. On the Edit menu, choose Select All.

    7. Drag the selected files to the Favorites window in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Adobe Type Reunion
This system extension may cause problems when you select fonts (Options Dialog Box/Font Tab). If you experience problems, remove Type Reunion from your Extensions folder (in your System folder) and restart your Macintosh.


For help with Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh, start Microsoft Internet Explorer and then choose Internet Explorer Help from the Help (?) menu. The Help system cannot be accessed from the Help menu if it is not in the same folder as the application. If this is the case, double-click the topics.htm file in the Help folder.

Technical Support

Microsoft offers 90 days of no-charge product support at (425) 635-7123 in the US and (905) 568-4494 in Canada. Visit
for more information.

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Changes in 2.0.1

Fixed incompatibilities between Macintoshes running System 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1 and web pages with multiple AVI movies

Additional query words: 2.00 mac ie20 apple power PowerPC

Keywords : msiemac
Version : MACINTOSH:2.0
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 3, 2000
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