How to Use Microsoft Network as Your Internet Service Provider

ID: Q153448

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 2.01, 3.0, 3.01, 3.02a, 4.0 for Windows 3.1


You can use MSN, The Microsoft Network, as your Internet service provider (ISP) in conjunction with Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1. However, if you do so, you cannot receive MSN mail, nor can you view content on MSN with Internet Explorer.

This article describes how to use your existing MSN account as your ISP with Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1.


NOTE: Before you follow the steps in this article, you must already have a current MSN account. MSN accounts can be created only from computers running Microsoft Windows 95.

To use MSN as your ISP, you must first know the following information:

  • Your user name (Member ID) and password for your MSN account.

  • Your local MSN phone (or access) number.

Once you have obtained that information, use the appropriate method:

Internet Explorer 4.x

  1. Double-click the Internet Explorer 4.0 program group, and then double-click Connection Wizard.

  2. In the Get Connected dialog box, click Next.

  3. Click Manual, and then click Next.

  4. Click Create A New Dial-up Connection, and then click Next.

  5. Type the phone number for your MSN connection, and then click Next.

  6. In the User Name box, type MSN/<your user name>, where <your user name> is your MSN Member ID, and then click Next.

  7. In the Password box, type your MSN password.

  8. In the IP Address dialog box, click "My Internet Service Provider

automatically assigns me one", and then click Next.

  1. Leave the Domain Configuration (DNS) area blank, and then click Next.

  2. Type the name of your service provider, and then click Next.

  3. Double-click MSN in the Internet Explorer 4.0 program group to connect to MSN.

Internet Explorer 2.x and 3.x

  1. Double-click the New Connection icon in the Microsoft Internet Explorer program group.

  2. Type a connection name for MSN, and then click OK.

  3. Click the program group in which you want the new connection icon to appear.

  4. In the User Name box, type the following line
    MSN/<your MSN user name>
    where <your MSN user name> is your MSN Member ID.

  5. In the Password box, type your MSN account password.

  6. In the Phone Number box, type your local MSN access number.

  7. If you have not created a previous connection, you are prompted to install a modem. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  8. Leave the Domain configuration blank.

  9. Click OK.

Double-click the new connection icon to connect to MSN as your ISP.

Additional query words: 2.01

Keywords : msiew31
Version : WINDOWS:2.01,3.0,3.01,3.02a,4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 9, 1999
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