Missing Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Support Toolbar

ID: Q154730

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 for Windows 95


The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Support toolbar may not appear when you are viewing a virtual world using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 with the VRML 1.0 ActiveX control installed.


The VRML Support toolbar does not appear if either of the following conditions exists:

  • The Show Toolbar option is disabled.

  • The Internet Explorer window is sized too small.


Use the following steps to view the VRML Support toolbar in a virtual world:

  1. Use the right mouse button to click inside the virtual scene, and then click the Show Toolbar option to enable it.

  2. If the Show Toolbar option is already enabled but the VRML Support toolbar does not appear, enlarge the Internet Explorer window until the toolbar appears.

Additional query words: 3.00

Keywords : msiew95
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 19, 2000
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