TAB and ARROW Keys Do Not Work in Internet Options Dialog Box

ID: Q177005

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 for UNIX on Sun Solaris


When you use the TAB key to navigate among the tabs in the Internet Options dialog box, or when you use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys on the Security tab to change the security level for a zone, the keys may not work correctly.


To work around this issue, use the mouse pointer to click the tab, setting, or option you want to use.


Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: 4.00

Keywords : kbui msieunix
Version : UNIX:4.01
Platform : UNIX
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 16, 1999
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