Text May Be Unreadable When Viewing Web Page HTML Source

ID: Q182970

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer for UNIX on Sun Solaris


Internet Explorer can run auxiliary (or external) programs such as Microsoft Outlook Express to perform functions such as viewing source Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code, reading e-mail, or reading news messages.

Other programs may also be run when you download a file whose type is defined. These programs can change the default color map. When this occurs, clicking Source on the View menu to view source HTML code may cause unreadable text to be displayed. In some cases, the text may be unreadable because it is displayed using the same color as the background.


This is not specifically an Internet Explorer problem, but is a consequence of the way X11 displays are managed. Internet Explorer 4.01 for UNIX by itself does not cause the problem because it uses a private color map.


To work around this problem, configure external programs using the X11 configuration mechanism to use only the existing desktop colors. Black and white should always work, as well as the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) desktop colors (if you are using CDE).

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdisplay kbenv msieunix
Version : UNIX:
Platform : UNIX
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 20, 1999
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