Unable to Run Internet Explorer Quick Tour

ID: Q218766

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows 98
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows NT 4.0


When you try to run the Internet Explorer version 4.0 "Quick Tour" after you upgrade to Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later, you may receive a "Navigation Cancelled" error message.


This problem occurs because the Internet Explorer version 4.0 "Quick Tour" is not available after you install Internet Explorer version 5.


To reproduce this problem:

  1. Install Internet Explorer version 5 with the "Compatibility Mode" option selected.

  2. After Internet Explorer version 5 is installed, start Internet Explorer version 4.0. To do so, click Start, point to Programs, point to Internet Explorer, and then click Previous Internet Explorer Ver. 4

  3. On the Help menu, click About Internet Explorer, and then click Copyright Information.

  4. Click Next until you are viewing the last page, and then click Take a Quick Tour.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words: 5.0 5.00

Keywords : kberrmsg kbui msiew95 msient msiew98
Version : WINDOWS:5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 6, 1999
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