Nothing Happens When You Click OK in Customize Search Settings

ID: Q243691

This article discusses a Beta release of a Microsoft product. The information in this article is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice.

No formal product support is available from Microsoft for this Beta product. For information about obtaining support for a Beta release, please see the documentation included with the Beta product files, or check the Web location from which you downloaded the release.
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5, 5.01 for Windows 98
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5, 5.01 for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5, 5.01 for Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server


After you click Use one search service for all searches and then click OK in Customize Search Settings, nothing happens, and Customize Search Settings remains open.


This behavior can occur if you do not select a search service to use.


To resolve this issue, click a search service in the Choose the search service box, and then click OK.


For additional information about using the Search Assistant in Internet Explorer 5, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q198685 How to Use the Search Assistant in Internet Explorer 5

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbtool kbui msiew95 msient msiew98 win98se
Version : WINDOWS:2000,5,5.01
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 14, 1999
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