Office 2000 Files Do Not Open in Internet Explorer 5

ID: Q244159

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows NT 4.0


After you install Microsoft Office 2000, Office files may no longer open in Internet Explorer.


The Browse in same window option may not be selected. However, this option is not available if the Windows Desktop Update component has not been installed.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Double-click My Computer, and then click Folder Options on the View menu.

  2. Click the File Types tab, and then double-click the extension of the Office file you want to open.

  3. Click to select the Browse in same window check box, click OK, and then click OK.

NOTE: If the option is not available, the Windows Desktop Update component was not installed prior to installing Internet Explorer 5. If this occurs, you can uninstall Internet Explorer 5, install the Windows Desktop Update component for Internet Explorer 4.x, and then reinstall Internet Explorer 5.


For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q165695 How to Add or Remove Windows Desktop Update

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbenv msient
Version : WINDOWS:5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: October 28, 1999
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