Readme.txt for the ActiveX SDK (InetSDK\Samples)

ID: Q159895

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft ActiveX SDK, version 1.0


The following article contains the complete contents of the Readme.txt file distributed with the ActiveX SDK for Internet Explorer 3.01. (This is the Readme.txt installed on the \Inetsdk\Samples subdirectory.)


ActiveX SDK Beta 1 Samples Readme.Txt

 BaseCtl   Internet enabled OCX framework and samples
 Framewrk  Internet enabled OCX framewrk
 Ielnk     Sample Control which demonstrates Simple Hyperlink Navigation
 Iemime    Sample Control which demonstrates custom mime type registration.
 ToDoSvr   Sample DocObject Control
 WebImage  Sample Control which demonstrates downloading and displaying a
           BMP file.
 Framer    Demonstrates in-place activation of a DocObject.
 OLEScript Sample of an ActiveX Scripting host
 Progress  Sample that uses an URL Moniker, demonstrates
 Range     Demonstrates simple http GET request with optional read ranges.
 UrlPad    Enhances SUPERPAD that demonstrates getting an URL
           using urlostream API (from urlhlink.lib) and posting
           it back to the server using WebPost API (sample below).
 VBScript  Sample VBScript pages, pointers to JScript pages
 WebPost   Demonstrates the use of the Web Post APIs to update
           content on Web Sites.
 WinINet   Samples that demonstrate use of the WinInet APIs.
 AsyncFtp  Demonstrates use of Wininet asynchronous API for ftp.
 HttpAuth  Demonstrates use of Wininet for HTTP authentication.

Please run SetEnv.Bat to set up your environment. This SDK requires the
most recent (May 96 or later) Win32 SDK and a recent compiler (all testing
was done with VC++ 4.1) The INCLUDE, LIB and PATH environment variables
should first look in \INetSDK (from this SDK), then in \MSTools (from the
Win32 SDK) and then in \MSDev (or equivalent compiler.)

The samples in this tree generally use the Win32 SDK conventions for
makefiles.'nmake' will build a debug binary and 'nmake nodebug=1' will
build a retail binary. The debug binaries will link with the debug variants
of the C Runtimes and class libraries, and the retail binaries will link
with the retail variants of these libraries. Please remember that machines
without VC++ installed may not have mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll, etc. (for
retail), mfc40d.dll, msvcr40d.dll, etc. (for debug) DLLs installed. Please
make sure that any such required DLLs are properly installed on your test
machines. Some samples also have VC++ makefiles (project.mak) for use in
the IDE.

To figure out what DLLs your project is using use
    "link -dump -imports <filename>"

And look for <file>.Dll lines. There are often DLLs referenced that are not
installed on test machines, particularly for debug builds. You need to make
sure that any such DLLs referenced are properly installed where they will
be loaded when the app or control is loaded, This is typically the
directory returned by the GetSystemDirectory API call (system on Windows
95, System32 on Windows NT.)

Creating Microsoft Visual C++ Project Files.

To build the samples from within the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Developer
Studio environment for samples that do not come with VC++ makefiles (.mak
files), you must add appropriate paths to the Developer Studio's include
and library paths, and create a Visual C++ project file. The general steps
to follow are outlined below, although the exact steps vary from sample to

1) Click "Options..." on the "Tools" menu, and on the "Directories" tab add
the full path to your installed INetSDK\Include directory to the includes
directories, the full path to INetSDK\Lib to the library directories, and
the full path to the INetSDK\Bin directory to the executable files
directories. These entries should be moved to the top of the search list.
Several samples also require the Beta NT-SUR version (or later) of the
Win32 SDK. The corresponding include, lib, and bin directories should also
be added and moved up just below the INetSDK entries.

2) Create project and make files as follows:
   a) Close any open workspace from the File menu.
   b) Click "New" on the "File" menu and choose "Project Workspace".
   c) In the "New Project Workspace" dialog type the root name for the
   output file into the "Name:" edit control (for example, type "Framer"
   for the Framer sample).
   d) Choose "Application" in the "Type:" if you are building an
   application, "Dynamic-Link Library" for an ActiveX(tm) Control, or
   "Static Library" for a library (such as BaseCtl\FrameWrk).
   e) "Browse..." to the INetSDK\Samples directory on your system. From
   there move to the directory holding the sample's sources and click "OK"
   to close the "Choose Directory" dialog. Make sure the "Location:" edit
   control reflects the directory holding the sample's sources and not a
   new subdirectory under this root.
   f) Click "Create".
   g) Click "Files into Project..." on the "Insert" menu.
   h) Multiple select *.Cpp, *.c, *.def, and *.Rc and click "Add". If the
   project contains an .Odl file add this to the project also.
   i) Click "Settings..." on the "Build" menu and select the "Link" tab.
   Add any appropriate libraries from the INetSDK or Win32 SDK to the list
   of Object/library modules for both debug and release. You can search the
   SDK makefile in the source's directory for ".lib" to find out which
   additional libraries are needed by a particular sample (such as
   uuic2.lib, uuid3.lib, urlmon.lib, etc.). Note that some samples need to
   link to separate debug or release libraries.
   j) If the sample you are building uses MFC, choose which type of library
   to use in the "Microsoft Foundation Classes:" list box on the "General"
   tab of the "Project Settings" dialog.

3) Build the project from within the IDE. Note that some samples are
dependent on libraries build by other samples. These dependencies are noted
in the Readme.txt files.

4) If necessary, copy and/or rename the output file appropriately, using
the provided makefile as a guide.

5) If the output is an ActiveX(tm) Control, run RegSvr32 from the command
line to register the .ocx on your system. You can probably finesse the
"Register Control" option on the "Tools" menu to do this without dropping
to the command line, but it is set up to work with projects created using
the OLE ControlWizard. 

Additional query words: kbdsi

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 26, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.