HOWTO: Use GetLocale() and SetLocale() in VBScript

ID: Q232158

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition, version 5.0


Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) version 5.0 supports the functionality of retrieving and changing the current locale settings of your current Web page. The two functions that support this feature are GetLocale() and SetLocale().

GetLocale() returns the current locale on the client machine. SetLocale() sets the locale to the new specified locale

These functions can be used accordingly to localize the date, time, or currency of your Web page.

NOTE: GetLocale() and SetLocale() are not supported in JavaScript.


The following example demonstrates GetLocale() and SetLocale():


<SCRIPT language=vbscript>
Dim curLocale

sub window_onload()
	curLocale= GetLocale()

	MsgBox "The current locale is " & GetLocale()
	MsgBox "The current date is " & Date()
	MsgBox "The current time is " & Time()

	Dim MyCurrency
	MyCurrency = FormatCurrency(100) 
	MsgBox "100 U.S. dollars in the U.S is " & MyCurrency
end sub

sub window_onunload()
end sub

sub changetoFrenchLoc()
	Dim newLocale
	Dim french_lcid

	french_lcid =1036

	'set locale to French

	MsgBox "The current locale is " & GetLocale()
	MsgBox "The current date is " & Date()
	MsgBox "The current time is " & Time()

	Dim MyCurrency
	MyCurrency = FormatCurrency(100 * 6.37546) 
	MsgBox "100 U.S. dollars in France is " & MyCurrency
end sub



<INPUT TYPE="button" ONCLICK="changetoFrenchLoc()" VALUE="Change to French"></INPUT>



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Additional query words: Locale LCID

Keywords : kbVBScript kbGrpInet kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: July 15, 1999
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