PRB: Cannot Find the Samples on the CD-ROM

ID: Q162097

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual J++, version 1.0


Copying samples from the online documents requires that the Visual J++ CD- ROM has been inserted into the CD-ROM drive before you attempt to copy. If the CD-ROM is not already in the drive, Microsoft Developer Studio (MSDEV), asks that the CD-ROM be inserted and gives the path of the sample location as: "drive:\msdev\help," which is incorrect. Clicking on the OK button after inserting the disk only alerts the user that the sample files can't be found at the specified location.


This problem is associated with MSDEV and is common with products that use this development environment.


There are two ways to correct this problem:

  1. Insert the Visual J++ CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive before copying samples.

  2. When MSDEV displays the dialog box showing the path as "\msdev\help," change the path to read only "\msdev."


For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual J++ and the SDK for Java, see the following pages on the Microsoft Technical Support site:

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbcode kbusage kbGenInfo kbVJ kbVJ100
Version : 1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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