PRB: Cannot View Welcome Pages on Visual J++ CD

ID: Q165551

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual J++, version 1.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 4.0, 4.01


When viewing the pages in the Welcome directory of Visual J++ 1.0, with Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, the following error message is generated:

Welcome to Visual J++ requires a frames-capable browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, which is included on the Visual J++ Installation CD.


Although these browsers support frames, there is a conflict between the BODY and FRAMESET tags in the HTML files.


Copy the Welcome directory and its subdirectories to your local drive, then remove the <BODY> and </BODY> lines from the following three files:

To start the introduction pages, run the Welcome.exe program in the welcome directory.


For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual J++ and the SDK for Java, see the following pages on the Microsoft Technical Support site:

Additional query words: Netscape Navigator welcome frame

Keywords : kbtool kbGenInfo kbIE400 kbVJ kbVJ100
Version : WINDOWS:1.0; :4.0,4.01
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1999
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