PRB: Warnings When Installing Virtual Machine Build 2339 Over 2334

ID: Q178646

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Win32 Virtual Machine for Java
  • Microsoft SDK for Java, version 2.01


Several of the dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) included in the standalone version of the 4.79.2334 Virtual Machine for Java have been replaced with older versions in the 4.79.2339 Virtual Machine for Java from the SDK for Java 2.01.

This can cause warning messages during installation of the Virtual Machine for the DLLs listed in the MORE INFORMATION section below.


Older versions of certain DLLs were shipped intentionally to address a problem that causes portions of the text on security certificates to be missing or unreadable on Internet Explorer 3.02. The DLLs are listed in the MORE INFORMATION section of this article.


If you have Internet Explorer 3.02 installed, it is recommended you answer "YES" and replace the newer DLLs with the older ones. If you have Internet Explorer 4.x, you should not see these warnings.


This behavior is by design.


The problem described in the CAUSE section of this article is present only on machines that have versions of Internet Explorer before Internet Explorer 4.0.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Install Internet Explorer 3.x.

  2. Install Virtual Machine for Java build 4.79.2334.

  3. Install Virtual Machine for Java build 4.79.2339.

DLLs included with the standalone Virtual Machine for Java build 4.79.2339, that will work properly when used with Internet Explorer 3.02:

   Initpki.dll        63,248    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Mssip32.dll        71,952    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Mscat32.dll        64,784    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Msctl.dll          13,072    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Softpub.dll        94,992    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Vsrevoke.dll       55,568    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Wintrust.dll       73,488    9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Dacui.dll          102,160   9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Crypt32.dll        222,992   9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Useragnt.dll       7,952     9/5/97     5.101.1670.1
   Msoss.dll          207,120   9/5/97     5.101.1670.1 
DLLs included with the standalone Virtual Machine for Java build 4.79.2334, that will NOT work properly when used with Internet Explorer 3.02:

   Initpki.dll        68,368    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Mssip32.dll        54,032    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Mscat32.dll        85,264    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Msctl.dll          13,072    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Softpub.dll        104,208   10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Vsrevoke.dll       57,616    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Wintrust.dll       68,368    10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Dacui.dll          105,232   10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Crypt32.dll        222,992   10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Useragnt.dll       7,952     10/23/97   5.101.1697.1
   Msoss.dll          209,680   10/23/97   5.101.1697.1 


For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual J++ and the SDK for Java, see the following page on the Microsoft Technical Support site:

Additional query words:

Keywords : JVM
Version : WINDOWS:2.01
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1999
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