FIX: JActiveX-Generated VC6 COM Wrappers Don't Compile in VJ6
ID: Q194903
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual J++, version 6.0
Compilation errors may occur after adding COM wrappers for some type libraries to a Microsoft Visual J++ project. For example, the following nine errors are generated when building a Visual J++ 6.0 Windows Application project that has added COM wrappers for "Visual C++ Shared Objects" (Devshl.dll) and "Visual C++ Project System" (Devbld.pkg):,40) : error J0061: The members 'Object
IDispBuildProject.getConfigurations()' and 'IConfigurations
BuildProject.getConfigurations()' differ in return type only,39) : error J0063: Declare the class abstract, or
implement abstract member 'void IDispConfiguration.setName(String
newValue)',39) : error J0063: Declare the class abstract, or
implement abstract member 'void IDispConfiguration.setParent(Object
newValue)',39) : error J0063: Declare the class abstract, or
implement abstract member 'void IDispConfiguration.setApplication(Object
newValue)',39) : error J0063: Declare the class abstract, or
implement abstract member 'void
IDispConfiguration.setConfigurations(Object newValue)',40) : error J0061: The members 'Object
IDispConfiguration.getConfigurations()' and 'IConfigurations
Configuration.getConfigurations()' differ in return type only,38) : error J0061: The members 'Object
IDispConfigurations.getParent()' and 'IBuildProject
Configurations.getParent()' differ in return type only,39) : error J0061: The members 'Object
IDispConfigurations.Item(Variant Index)' and 'IConfiguration
Configurations.Item(Variant Index)' differ in return type only,40) : error J0061: The members 'Object
IDispProjects.Item(Variant Index)' and 'IGenericProject
Projects.Item(Variant Index)' differ in return type only
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
This problem was corrected in Visual Studio version 6.0 Service Pack 3.
For information on obtaining Service Pack 3 for Visual Studio, please see:
Q230731 INFO: Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 Readme: Part 7 - Visual J++
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Both Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual J++ 6.0 must be installed
to reproduce this problem.
- Create a Windows Application in Visual J++ 6.0.
- From the Project menu, select Add COM Wrapper.
- Click the Browse button and navigate to Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\Ide. In the Files of Type drop-down list,
select All Files(*.*). Select the file Devbld.pkg, and click the
Open button.
- Click the Browse button and navigate to Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin, select the file Devshl.dll, and click
the Open button.
- Make sure the check boxes beside Visual C++ Project System and Visual
C++ Shared Objects are selected and click OK on the COM Wrappers
dialog box.
- From the Build menu, select Rebuild.
The above nine errors will appear in the Visual J++ 6.0 Task List.
For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on
Visual J++ and the SDK for Java, see the following pages on the
Microsoft Technical Support site:
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by
Adele Hunter, Microsoft Corporation.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbAddIn kbCOMt kbJava kbVJ kbVJ600bug kbVS600sp3fix
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug