The information in this article applies to:
This article addresses Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding installation and configuration issues with Visual J++ 6.0. MORE INFORMATIONQuestion 1: Why is this happening? Answer: This could be caused by some roaming profile across the computers in your domain. You must install and uninstall the trial version of Visual J++ 6.0 on computer B, and reinstall the retail version on computer B. NOTE: If this error appears under any other circumstance, please contact Microsoft Developer Support. Question 2: Why do I keep getting one (or more) of the following error messages when I install Visual J++ 6.0:
Answer 1: In most cases, Visual J++ 6.0 Setup is finding an incorrect version of the Imagehlp.dll file on the search path. By renaming the incorrect version of this DLL, you enable Setup to find the correct version. The correct version of this DLL should be in the Windows\System or Winnt\System32 directory.
Q175133 Error Message: Unable to Install Java Packages... Answer 2: If the incorrect Imagehlp.dll file is not present, the following might resolve this issue:
Answer 3: If the previous two answers do not resolve your problem, try the following:
Answer 4: If the none of the previous steps help, try the following:
Answer 5: If you are still experiencing this problem, go to the Start menu, click Run, type regsvr32 rsabase.dll, and click OK. Question 3: During Visual J++ 6.0 installation, Setup presents a dialog box that asks me to upgrade the Java Virtual Machine (VM) and contains a check box that I must select to continue with the installation. After installing the Virtual Machine for Java, the computer restarts. When Setup continues the installation, it requires that I install the Virtual Machine for Java again. Setup does not continue if I clear the check box (to not install the Virtual Machine for Java). Setup is now in a continuous loop, requiring installation of the Virtual Machine for Java each and every time. How do I solve this problem? Answer: Check to see if there is enough space on your hard drive. If not, clean up the hard drive and reinstall. It might take up to 150 MB of free disk space for the Virtual Machine for Java to install properly even though much of this is only required temporarily during the installation process. Question 4: After installing Visual J++ 6.0, I cannot turn off "Browse in a new process" in Internet Explorer (this is located under the View menu, click Internet Options..., click the Advanced tab, and look under the heading Browsing). Specifically, if I clear the "Browse in a new process" check box, and then close and reopen Internet Explorer, the check box is selected again. How do I permanently turn off this option? Answer: The Visual J++ 6.0 installation turns on the "Browse in a new process" option, however, you should be able to turn off this option. To do this, do the following in Internet Explorer:
Question 5: Why do I get the following application error during the very first page of the installation wizard for Visual J++ 6.0? I have never run a Visual J++ setup on this computer. Answer: Check for the file ORA804.dll on your computer. Temporarily rename this DLL and proceed with the installation. Question 6: When running Visual J++ Setup, I get a "memory cannot be written" error message and the setup wizard does not finish. What can I do to install the Visual J++? Answer: Run Acmboot.exe instead of Setup.exe from the Visual J++ 6.0 CD. Note that the Visual J++ 6.0 Setup.exe checks a registry key to make sure that the setup wizard has already been run. You can check if the Wizard (setup.exe) has been run on a computer by looking in the registry. The wizard writes the following key when it is done:
If this key exists, you can run Acmboot.exe without errors. If the key has not been set, Acmboot generates an error after you see a couple of dialog boxes telling you that you must run the Installation Wizard on the computer. To set this key, you can save the preceding registry text to a .reg file and import (double-click the .reg file) it into the registry. NOTE: This step is for advanced users. If you are unsure about this step, please see the following instructions for an alternate way to generate the registry entry:
Question 7: Whenever I start Visual J++ 6.0, DEVENV.exe crashes with a memory error. In some cases, this happens when I open a project even if the IDE does load properly. What should I do? Answer: This could be caused by one or more corrupted preference files. Make sure Visual J++ 6.0 is not running. Delete (or rename to vsconfig) the following directory, which contains the Visual J++ 6.0 preference files: Under Windows NT: <Windows dir>\Profiles\<user name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Visual Studio Under Windows 95 or Windows 98: <Windows dir>\Application Data\Microsoft\Visual Studio When you delete or rename this directory and reload Visual J++ 6.0, the directory as well as the default preference files are re-created. IMPORTANT: These files contain your IDE preferences, such as window layouts. Any changes you made to the preferences for the IDE after installing Visual J++ will be lost after this step. Question 8: I get the following error when trying to view the Form Designer: What can I do to fix this? Answer: This could be due to the fact that you are running a Technology Preview version of Visual J++ 6.0 and have installed a more recent version of the Java Virtual Machine for Java than the version that came with the Technology Preview. To resolve this, you must uninstall the Technology Preview and install the release version of Visual J++ 6.0. After doing this, you need to recompile any projects you created with the Technology Preview and ensure that they still run using the released software. NOTE: Some packages in the Technology Preview versions of Visual J++ 6.0 are not compatible with the released Java packages. This is one reason why the Technology Previews must not be used to create products. Question 9: Whenever I attempt to compile a program, a "Solution Update Failed" message appears in Visual J++ 6.0. However, there are no tasks in the Task List. Why can't I compile anything? Answer: You might have an incorrect version of the file Comcat.dll installed on your computer. There are two versions of this DLL:
Question 10: When I select View, Designer nothing happens. Why isn't the Form Designer working? Answer: Please refer to answer for question 9 in this article. Note that the Form Designer view is only available for classes that extend the Form class. Question 11: When I try to debug a project within Visual J++ 6.0 under Windows NT, one of the following error messages appears:
However, I am able to run my class file successfully from a DOS prompt. What can I do to fix this? Answer: You need to adjust the following registry entry to resolve the problem:
There should be a Shell entry under the Winlogon key. It should read as follows: Shell = "Explorer.exe" If Shell does not exist or is different from this entry, you must create the entry or change it to Explorer.exe and restart your computer. Question 12: Every time I click Customize Toolbox... on the Tools menu in the Visual J++ 6.0, it crashes the IDE. Answer:
If these steps do not fix the problem, do the following:
REFERENCESFor the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual J++ and the SDK for Java,
please see the following pages on the Microsoft Technical Support site: © Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved. Additional query words:
Keywords : kbsetup kbCompiler kbDebug kbide kbJavaVM kbVJ600 kbIDEProject kbGrpJava |
Last Reviewed: November 16, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |