BUG: DateFormate.Parse Function Misinterprets Dates for Year 2000

ID: Q222955

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 Service Pack 1 for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 Service Pack 1 for Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Virtual Machine


The DateFormat.parse() function doesn't interpret dates in year 2000 as expected.

When running an application that accepts dates as user input, you may see the following results:

  • 1/1/2000 is interpreted as year 3900

  • 1/1/100 is interpreted as year 2000

  • 1/1/00 is interpreted as year 2000

Here are the expected results:
  • 1/1/2000 should be year 2000

  • 1/1/100 should be year 100 A.D.

  • 1/1/00 should be year 2000


To resolve this problem immediately, download and install the latest version of the Microsoft virtual machine (Microsoft VM). You can find this file at http://www.microsoft.com/java.

Date        Version       Size       File name     Platform
02/18/99    5.00.3167.1   6,617,832  Msjavx86.exe  (x86)

NOTE: If you contact Microsoft to obtain this fix, a fee may be charged. This fee is refundable if it is determined that you only require the fix you requested. However, this fee is non-refundable if you request additional technical support, if your no-charge technical support period has expired, or if you are not eligible for standard no-charge technical support.

For more information about eligibility for no-charge technical support, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q154871 Determining If Your Product Is Eligible for No-Charge Technical Support


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 and all versions of the Microsoft VM prior to build 2752.


For more information about how Microsoft products are affected by year 2000 (Y2K) issues, please see the following Microsoft World Wide Web site:


Additional query words: vm y2k

Keywords : kb2000 kbJavaVMFAQ
Version : WINDOWS:4.01 Service Pack 1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: September 15, 1999
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