The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you install Works for Windows 3.0 on a floppy-drive-only workstation, and choose a Program Group for Works, Setup checks for the necessary disk space and then displays the following error message: The dialog box indicates that the space required/needed on drive C is 4K. Setup uses this disk space, which in Works version 3.0 must be available on a drive designated as drive C, to modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Because diskless workstations by definition do not have a C drive, you will need to create one by mapping to a network server as drive C, using the workaround below, or upgrade to Works for Windows version 3.0a or 3.0b (full disk set required). STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Works version 3.0 for Windows. This problem was corrected in Works version 3.0a for Windows. WORKAROUND
NOTE: After you have completed the following steps, you can connect
to the server where the Works shared files (files installed by SETUP /A)
were installed, and run SETUP.EXE from there. The Works user's directory
itself can be installed to any available share.
MORE INFORMATIONAfter Setup displays the "Not enough space" message, four options are available: Change Options, Install Now, Exit Setup, and Help. The Change Options command isn't pertinent because the only option listed, Custom Options, refers to the temporary file and is required. If you select Install Now, Setup will appear to continue successfully, but eventually the following error message will be displayed: At this point Setup is incomplete, with no program icons installed, so the best thing to do is reinstall using the map root workaround above, or its equivalent. Note that the Works administrator's installation can be done without access to drive C. For more information about the map root or other Novell commands, see your Novell documentation. Additional query words: Netware LanMan Share Installation not enough space nouvelle
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Last Reviewed: January 19, 2000 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |