PPT4: Segment Load Failure in POWERPNT.EXE w/AppMeter 1.0
ID: q119205
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, versions 4.0, 4.0a, 4.0c
If you are running a shared network copy of PowerPoint 4.0 that is
metered by Funk Software's AppMeter 1.0, you may receive on of the
following error messages:
PP4 caused Segment Load Failure with module POWERPNT.EXE
at nnnn:nnnn.
PP4 caused a segment load error at AMRES.DLL
These errors occurs when you try to create a new presentation, open an
existing application, or open any other operation that makes use of OLE
This problem is caused by AppMeter. It occurs when PowerPoint has been
registered for software site license metering by the AppMeter 1.0 network
redirector program. By default, AppMeter registers only POWERPNT.EXE as the
application, but does not properly register POWERPNT.DLL. To ensure OLE
compliance, PowerPoint 4.0 runs itself from POWERPNT.DLL rather than from
the relatively small POWERPNT.EXE file. As a result, AppMeter
unintentionally interferes with the DLL file during its normal operations,
causing the Segment Load Failure when certain operations are performed.
To register PowerPoint 4.0, so that it operates correctly with the AppMeter
program, do the following:
- Run the AmSuper program.
- Choose to register an application.
- For the application name, type:
- Type the path to the directory where PowerPoint 4.0 has been
- On the command line, type:
powerpnt.exe %m powerpnt.dll
- Fill out the remainder of the information according to your site license
This registers the DLL to be monitored by the AppMeter program rather than
be metered.
The third-party products included here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability. For more information
and assistance with AppMeter, contact Funk Software at (617)497-6339.
Additional query words:
Novell Netware 3.11 3.12 Links winppt 4.00c
Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg kbnetwork kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,4.0a,4.0c
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb