Files Installed by DirectX 5.0
ID: q173479
The information in this article applies to:
DreamWorks Interactive, Scholastic's Goosebumps Series: Attack of the Mutant, version 1.0
The following article contains a list of the DirectX system files
installed to your hard disk by DirectX version 5.0.
This list does not include drivers, such as sound or display drivers,
that may be installed to your hard disk if required. All files installed
by DirectX 5.0 are dated 7/14/97 5:00PM
- D3drm.dll 344576 Bytes
- D3dxof.dll 120320 Bytes
- D3dpmesh.dll 104448 Bytes
- D3dim.dll 161792 Bytes
- D3dhalf.dll 124928 Bytes
- D3drampf.dll 95744 Bytes
- D3drgbf.dll 96256 Bytes
- D3drg8f.dll 224768 Bytes
- D3drg16f.dll 224768 Bytes
- D3drg24f.dll 168448 Bytes
- D3drg32f.dll 166912 Bytes
- D3drm8f.dll 458240 Bytes
- D3drm16f.dll 459264 Bytes
- D3drm24f.dll 125952 Bytes
- D3drm32f.dll 125952 Bytes
- D3drgbxf.dll 100864 Bytes
- D3drg8x.dll 228352 Bytes
- D3drg55x.dll 305152 Bytes
- D3drg56x.dll 305152 Bytes
- D3drg24x.dll 172544 Bytes
- D3drg32x.dll 171520 Bytes
- Ddraw.dll 270848 Bytes
- Ddraw16.dll 27808 Bytes
- Ddhelp.exe 32256 Bytes
- Msddraw.inf 386 Bytes
- Dplayx.dll 172440 Bytes
- Dpwsockx.dll 47568 Bytes
- Dpmodemx.dll 81352 Bytes
- Dplaysvr.exe 23960 Bytes
- Dpwsock.dll 24064 Bytes
- Dpserial.dll 41472 Bytes
- Dplay.dll 39936 Bytes
- Dsound.dll 145920 Bytes
- Dsound.vxd 59839 Bytes
- Msdsound.inf 313 Bytes
- Dinput.dll 175616 Bytes
- Dinput.vxd 16986 Bytes
- Msanalog.vxd 12101 Bytes
- Joy.cpl 229888 Bytes
- Vjoyd.vxd 30320 Bytes
- Mtrr.vxd 12009 Bytes
- Gcdef.dll 564224 Bytes
- Gchand.dll 80384 Bytes
- Dijoy.hlp 16339 Bytes
- Cspman dll 18576 Bytes
- Vmcpd.vxd 18602 Bytes
DirectX Setup
- Dxsetup.exe 88576 Bytes
- Dsetup.dll 127488 Bytes
- Dsetup32.dll 41984 Bytes
- Dsetup16.dll 63056 Bytes
- Dxinfo.exe 299520 Bytes
- Devnode1.dll 23040 Bytes
- Devnode2.dll 7168 Bytes
- Dxtool.exe 33280 Bytes
Additional query words:
multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm dxsetup.exe ts dx directplay directsound directdraw troubleshooting troubleshoot kbdw dwi dream works mutants attacks kbdirectxeu
Keywords : kbnetwork kbsetup kbref kbdw kbimu kbDirectPlay kbSDKPlatform kbGrpNet
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo