MCIS SMTP Service May Terminate Unexpectedly While Attempting to Send a Message with 300 or More Recipients

ID: q217100

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Commercial Internet System version 2.0


The Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS) version 2.0 SMTPSVC service may terminate unexpectedly with a stack overflow error on an Alpha server with a Dr.Watson log similar to the following:

Application exception occurred:
        App: exe\inetinfo.dbg (pid=174)
        When: 1/21/1999 @ 16:15:50.985
        Exception number: c00000fd (stack overflow)

function: ServiceEntry
        678e229c: b12a0000 stl     s0,0(s1)
        678e22a0: a75e0018 ldq     ra,18(sp)
        678e22a4: a53e0000 ldq     s0,0(sp)
        678e22a8: a55e0008 ldq     s1,8(sp)
        678e22ac: a57e0010 ldq     s2,10(sp)
        678e22b0: 23de0030 lda     sp,30(sp)
        678e22b4: 6bfa8001 ret     zero,(ra),1  ServiceEntry+2cc20
        678e22b8: 00000000 halt
        678e22bc: 00000000 halt
        678e22c0: 23deff80 lda     sp,-80(sp)
FAULT ->678e22c4: b53e0010 stq     s0,10(sp)
        678e22c8: b55e0018 stq     s1,18(sp)
        678e22cc: b57e0020 stq     s2,20(sp)
        678e22d0: b59e0028 stq     s3,28(sp)
        678e22d4: b5be0030 stq     s4,30(sp)
        678e22d8: b5de0038 stq     s5,38(sp)
        678e22dc: b5fe0040 stq     fp,40(sp)
        678e22e0: b75e0048 stq     ra,48(sp)
        678e22e4: 43f3000c addl    zero,a3,s3
        678e22e8: b23e0060 stl     a1,60(sp)
        678e22ec: 43f40011 addl    zero,a4,a1
        678e22f0: b21e005c stl     a0,5c(sp)

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
02475fb0 678e266c 000012a8 024aed08 024ae550 024af606 smtpsvc!ServiceEntry 
02476030 fffffffc 000012a8 024aed08 024ae550 024af606 smtpsvc!ServiceEntry 
02476030 00000000 000012a8 024aed08 024ae550 024af606 <nosymbols> 



To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows NT 4.0 or the individual software update. For information on obtaining the latest service pack, please go to:

For information on obtaining the individual software update, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web:


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Commercial Internet System version 2.0.

Additional query words: mcis hotfix hot fix qfe quick engineering patch

Keywords : nt4sp5fix
Version : winnt:2.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 27, 1999
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