SAMPLE: December 1994 Microsoft Systems Journal Code
ID: Q122274
The information in this article applies to:
- The Microsoft Systems Journal (MSJ) for December 1994
This article lists the filenames and Item IDs for files available from
Microsoft Software Library that contain the source code described in
articles published in the December 1994 issue of the "Microsoft Systems
NOTE: "Microsoft Systems Journal" does not make any representation or
warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to any code or other
information herein. "Microsoft Systems Journal" disclaims any liability
whatsoever for any use of such code or other information.
Files Available From Online Services
Item ID Filename Description
------- -------- -----------
S14981 Win32spy.exe The Win32spy.exe file contains code for the
article named "Learn System-Level Win32 Coding
Techniques by Writing an API Spy Program," by Matt
Writing a Win32 API spy program requires you to
come into contact with address spaces, multi-
threading, dynamic linking, the Win32 debugging
API, process management, and thread control. Matt
Pietrek gives you a tour of many core Win32
S14982 Unicode.exe The UNICODE.EXE file contains the code for the
article named "Internationalizing Your Win32-based
Applications for Windows NT and Windows 95," by
Nadine Kano and Asmus Freytag.
Character encoding is the foundation of any form
of text processing. Here Nadine Kano and Asmus
Freytag explore how the Win32 API supports
Unicode under Win32, Windows 95, and Windows NT,
and offer guidelines for migrating your
application to Unicode.
S14983 Ttychic.exe The TTYCHIC.EXE file contains the code for the
article named "Create Communications Programs for
Windows 95 With the Win32 Comm API," by Charles
Mirho and Andy Terrice.
Windows 95 provides APIs for PC-based e-mail, fax,
file transfer, interactive terminals, office
networking, and remote network access. Charles
Mirho and Andy Terrice explain how to use the
Win32 Comm API to transfer data and configure
S14984 Wqa1294.exe The WQA1294.EXE file contains the code for the
"Windows Q & A" column by Matt Pietrek.
S14985 W32q1294.exe The W32Q1294.EXE file contains the code for the
"Win32 Q & A" column by Jeffrey Richter.
S14986 Cqa1294.exe The CQA1294.EXE file contains the code for the
"C/C++ Q & A" column by Paul DiLascia.
Downloading the Files
The following files are available for download from the Microsoft
Software Library:
~ Win32spy.exe (size: 68685 bytes)
~ Unicode.exe (size: 19422 bytes)
~ Ttychic.exe (size: 88735 bytes)
~ Wqa1294.exe (size: 21994 bytes)
~ W32q1294.exe (size: 29084 bytes)
~ Cqa1294.exe (size: 18226 bytes)
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Keywords : kbsample msj
Platform : WINDOWS