PRB: MSDN Library NetCopy.exe Warns Network Share Is FAT

ID: Q248449

The information in this article applies to:
  • MSDN Library


NetCopy.exe can be used to create a network installation point for the MSDN Library. When running NetCopy and copying all MSDN Library files to a network share, the following warning may incorrectly appear:

Warning! The target location is formatted as a FAT drive. Due to the large number of files in MSDN, the target location may not have enough space. Please refer to the READMEDN.HTM file on Disc 1 for more information.

This message displays, even though the target network share is known to be using the FAT32 file system.


This problem can happen when the network share is on a Windows 2000 computer. Setup is using GetVolumeInformation API to determine the file system type. The GetVolumeInformation API incorrectly returns FAT instead of FAT32 when used on a Windows 2000 FAT32 network share.


Verify that the file system is FAT32:

  1. Go to the actual target computer. Do not use the network share.

  2. Use Windows Explorer to select the target drive.

  3. Right-click on the drive letter, and select Properties.

  4. Verify that the File System is FAT32.

After verifying that the target network share is on a FAT32 drive, you can safely ignore the warning. If the target drive is not FAT32, please see the READMEDN.htm file on Disc 1 of the MSDN Library for more information about the potential problem.


This behavior is by design.


The NetCopy.exe program first shipped with the January 2000 MSDN Library.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbHTMLHelp kbMSDN kbWinOS2000 kbWinOS95 kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 7, 2000
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