PRB: Simple MAPI Messages Appear Incorrectly in Some Clients

ID: Q173851

The information in this article applies to:
  • Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), version 1.0


When viewing a message in the Netscape Navigator mail client, one or more of the following may be true:

  • Attachments were added to the message when it was sent, but the message does not appear as if it has attachments; the attachments come through as only text within the message.

  • No attachments were added to the message before sending, but an attachment that seems to contain message header information appears on the message.

However, when the same message is viewed in the Microsoft Windows Messaging client, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft Outlook, it appears as desired.


The message is being sent to a one-off address, and MAPIResolveName was not called. (One-off addresses are used to send messages to recipients that do not have a corresponding entry in any of the session's address book containers.)


Before sending the message, call MAPIResolveName to force the one-off address to be resolved by MAPI.


You can specify addresses that are not in the address book with the following format:

Display name[Address type:E-mail address]
There are six components to this format:
  1. Display name (Optional) -- If not present, MAPIResolveName uses the visible part of the e-mail address as the display name. May include blanks.

  2. [ (Required) -- Delineates the start of the type and address information.

  3. ] (Required) -- Delineates the end of the type and address information. If anything other than white space follows this character, the entry is not treated as a custom recipient.

  4. Address type (Required) -- Type of address; maps to a specific address format (such as SMTP or FAX).

  5. : (Required) -- Separates the address type from the e-mail address.

  6. E-mail address (Required) -- Address of the recipient. May include blanks.


For more information on One-Off Addresses, see the topic in the Platform SDK under Win32 Messaging.

Netscape Navigator is manufactured by Netscape, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words:

Keywords : SMapiCMC XCLN
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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