HOWTO: Work with Distribution Lists Using Collaboration Data Objects from Visual Basic
ID: Q178787
The information in this article applies to:
Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), versions 1.1, 1.21
This article provides several Visual Basic based functions that demonstrate
how to create and administer Distribution Lists (DL) using Collaboration
Data Objects (CDO).
A brief description of the functionality for each function is included
followed by a Sub Main that makes use of most of these functions. See the
body of each function below for more details on a specific function:
' Distribution List Functions
' Functions and Procedures in this Module
' 1. AddressBookExists: Determines if a specific AddressList Exists
' - for example, PAB, GAL, and etc.
' 2. AddDLToPAB: Creates a new Distribution List (DL).
' 3. AddUserToDL: Used to add a new recipient to a DL.
' 4. AddUserToPAB: Add a new user to the MAPI address list.
' 5. DeleteUserFromDL: Removes a recipient from a DL. Also contains
' logic to check if a specific recipient is on
' a DL.
' 6. GetDLOwner: Get the Owner of a Distribution List.
'REMEMBER: You still need the pertinent rights to be able to
'manipulate MAPI AddressList objects.
Public objSession As MAPI.Session
' A conglomerate function that demonstrates use of several of the
' other functions in this module. Look through these functions for
' the string "TO DO:". The functions will work as is, but will not
' yield meaningful content until they are customized as noted on
' these lines.
Public Sub Main()
Dim oAddressList As AddressList
Dim oAddressEntry As AddressEntry
Dim oNewUserAddressEntry As AddressEntry
If MapiLogon() = True Then
Set oAddressList = AddressBookExists("Personal Address Book")
If Not oAddressList Is Nothing Then
'TO DO: You will want to customize the string values
'in the next two lines.
Set oNewUserAddressEntry = _
AddUserToPAB(oAddressList, "Custom New User")
Set oAddressEntry = AddDLToPAB(oAddressList, "My Custom DL")
If Not oAddressEntry Is Nothing Then
'TO DO: Recipient to be added on next line should be
If AddUserToDL(oAddressEntry, "MyNewDLMember") = True Then
MsgBox "Added new user and DL, and new member in the DL"
MsgBox "Adding a user to the DL didn't work"
End If
MsgBox "Custom DL wasn't added to the Personal Address Book"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is no PAB Service installed on this machine"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
' FUNCTION - AddressBookExists
' PARAMETERS - sAddressBookName as string and can be one of two
' values:
' "Personal Address Book" or "Global AddressList".
' DESCRIPTION - Determines if the Personal Address Book Service is
' installed on the current computer.
' RETURN VALUE - An AddressList object pointing to the addresslist or
' nothing if it does not exist.
Public Function AddressBookExists(sAddressBookName As String) _
As AddressList
Dim oAddressList As AddressList
For Each oAddressList In objSession.AddressLists
If oAddressList.Name = sAddressBookName Then
Set AddressBookExists = oAddressList
Exit Function
End If
Next oAddressList
Set AddressBookExists = Nothing
End Function
' PARAMETERS - oAddressList as AddressList, sDLName As String (The
' name of the new Distribution List to create.)
' DESCRIPTION - Add a new Distribution List to the MAPI address list
' specified in first parameter.
' RETURN VALUE - An AddressEntry object pointing to the address entry
' or nothing if it does not exist.
Public Function AddDLToPAB(oAddressList As AddressList, _
sDLName As String) As AddressEntry
Dim oAddressEntries As AddressEntries
Dim oNewAddressEntry As AddressEntry
On Error GoTo Trp_AddDLToPAB:
Set oAddressEntries = oAddressList.AddressEntries
Set oNewAddressEntry = oAddressEntries.Add("MAPIPDL", sDLName)
Set AddDLToPAB = oNewAddressEntry
Exit Function
Set Trp_AddDLToPAB = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
' PARAMETERS - oDL As AddressEntry (This is the object reference to
' the Distribution List the user is being added to.),
' sUsername As String (The name of the new member to
' be added to the Distribution List.)
' DESCRIPTION - Adds a new recipient to a Distribution List.
' RETURN VALUE - A Boolean value specifying whether or not adding the
' user was successful.
Public Function AddUserToDL(oDL As AddressEntry, sUserName As String) _
As Boolean
Dim oNewMember As AddressEntry
On Error GoTo Trp_AddUserToDL:
'TO DO: Customize for your new DL member.
Set oNewMember = oDL.Members.Add("SMTP", "MyAddressName")
'You need to fill in all your own data here. The data below is
'for sample purposes. This is not an inclusive list of potential
'fields, and of the fields represented here, not all must be
'populated for a viable address entry.
With oNewMember
'TO DO: Obviously all of these should be modified.
.Address = ""
'Generic Comments Field.
.Fields(ActMsgPR_COMMENT) = "My notes here."
'Business Generic Fields.
.Fields(ActMsgPR_COMPANY_NAME) = "Microsoft Corporation"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_DEPARTMENT_NAME) = "Microsoft Technical Support"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_MANAGER_NAME) = "John Doe"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_ASSISTANT) = "Jane Doe"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_GIVEN_NAME) = "Bill"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_MIDDLE_NAME) = "A."
.Fields(ActMsgPR_SURNAME) = "Smith"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_TITLE) = "Mr."
.Fields(ActMsgPR_EMAIL_ADDRESS) = ""
'Business Address Fields.
.Fields(ActMsgPR_OFFICE_LOCATION) = "Building 13"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET) = "1 Microsoft Way"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY) = "Redmond"
'Telephone Number Fields.
.Fields(ActMsgPR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER) = "425-555-0329"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-8080"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-8081"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-8082"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "206-555-0000"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-8083"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER) = "425-882-8080"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-8084"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER) = "425-555-8085"
'Home detail fields.
.Fields(ActMsgPR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET) = "1234 My Street"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY) = "MyTown"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER) = "425-555-0001"
.Fields(ActMsgPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) = "425-555-0002"
End With
AddUserToDL = True
Exit Function
AddUserToDL = False
Exit Function
End Function
' PARAMETERS - oAddressList as AddressList, sDLName As String (The
' name of the new Distribution List to create.)
' DESCRIPTION - Add a new user to the MAPI address list specified in
' first parameter.
' RETURN VALUE - A As AddressEntry object pointing to the address entry
' or nothing if it does not exist.
Public Function AddUserToPAB(oAddressList As AddressList, sUserName _
As String) As AddressEntry
Dim oAddressEntries As AddressEntries
Dim oNewAddressEntry As AddressEntry
On Error GoTo Trp_AddDLToPAB:
Set oAddressEntries = oAddressList.AddressEntries
Set oNewAddressEntry = oAddressEntries.Add("SMTP", sUserName)
'TO DO: Change address in next line.
oNewAddressEntry.Address = ""
Set AddUserToPAB = oNewAddressEntry
Exit Function
Set Trp_AddDLToPAB = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
' PROCEDURE - DeleteUserFromDL
' DESCRIPTION - Remove a member from a Distribution List, which the
' user selects from the Phonebook.
Public Sub DeleteUserFromDL()
'Procedure Level Variables.
Dim oAddressEntries As AddressEntries
Dim oAddressList As AddressList
Dim oRecipients As Recipients
Dim oRecipient As Recipient
Dim oAddressEntry As AddressEntry
Dim oMember As AddressEntry
'Get the DL from the AddressBook.
Set oRecipients = objSession.AddressBook(Title:="Select Attendees")
If oRecipients.Count = 0 Or oRecipients.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Please Select just one member of the Distribution List"
Exit Sub
End If
Set oRecipient = oRecipients.Item(1)
Set oAddressEntry = oRecipient.AddressEntry
Set oAddressEntries = oAddressEntry.Members
'Cycle through the DL until you find the user you seek.
For Each oMember In oAddressEntry.Members
If oMember.IsSameAs(oRecipient) Then
'Or you could say If oMember.Name = "TheRecipsDisplayName"
Set oMember = Nothing
End If
Next oMember
End Sub
' PARAMETERS - oSubordinate As AddressEntry (The object reference to
' the Owner of the DL.)
' DESCRIPTION - Gets an address entry's Owner. This is relevant only
' to the Global Address List since you are always the
' owner of Personal Address Book (PAB) entries.
' RETURN VALUE - A String value of the owners name.
Public Function GetDLOwner(oSubordinate As AddressEntry) As String
' IMPORTANT: This code assumes that the Owner of the
' Distribution list is stored in PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3.
' This is not always where the Owner is stored, if it is stored
' at all. You should verify where the Owner is stored on your
' system and change the Field value that is being retrieved by
' this code.
GetDLOwner = oSubordinate.Fields(&H802F001E).Value
End Function
' FUNCTION - MapiLogon
' DESCRIPTION - Creates and Logs onto a MAPI Session according to the
' parameters passed when calling the Logon method. The
' sample below passes no parameters and uses all default
' values.
' RETURN VALUE - Boolean indicating success.
Public Function MapiLogon() As Boolean
'Create a session and log on -- username and password in profile
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
'Change the parameters to valid values for your configuration.
MapiLogon = True
End Function
This sample code is dependent on the CDO library being properly installed
on the target computer.
For information on where to acquire the most recent version of the CDO
library tested for client-side use, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
INFO: Where to Acquire the Collaboration Data Objects
For additional information about Collaboration Data Objects versus Active
Messaging, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
INFO: Active Messaging and Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)
Additional query words:
ActMsg OleMsg
Keywords : kbcode kbCDO110 kbCDO121 kbMsg kbVBp kbGrpMsg
Version : WINDOWS:1.1,1.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto