HOWTO: Render a Folder To an ASP Page with CDO
ID: Q192435
The information in this article applies to:
Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), versions 1.2, 1.21
Collaboration Data Objects Rendering Library, version 1.2
This article contains sample code that used Collaboration Data Objects
(CDO) to render the messages in the Sent Items folder to an Active Server
Pages (ASP) page.
This is an example of how you can render the contents of a Messaging
Application Programming Interface (MAPI) folder to a Web browser using an
ASP page script written in the Visual Basic Scripting Edition and CDO.
Copy and paste the following code to an ASP page. Modify the variables that
set the server and mailbox to appropriate values. This code requires
Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5.
Sample Code
<HEAD><TITLE>Sent Items Display</TITLE></HEAD>
CONST CdoClassContainerRenderer = 3
CONST CdoClassObjectRenderer = 2
CONST CdoFolderContents = 1
CONST CdoFolderHierarchy = 2
'===== Default Folder Constants ========
'These constants are passed into the Session.GetDefaultFolder()
'method to return their respective folders.
CONST CdoDefaultFolderCalendar = 0
CONST CdoDefaultFolderInbox = 1
CONST CdoDefaultFolderOutbox = 2
CONST CdoDefaultFolderSentItems = 3
CONST CdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems = 4
CONST CdoDefaultFolderContacts = 5
CONST CdoDefaultFolderJournal = 6
CONST CdoDefaultFolderNotes = 7
CONST CdoDefaultFolderTasks = 8
CONST CdoDefaultFolderTotal = 9
strProfileInfo= "<valid server>" & vbLf & "<valid mailbox>"
' Create a MAPI logon to the specified mailbox.
Set objSession= CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession.Logon , , False, True, 0, True, strProfileInfo
' Create a container rendering application.
Set objRenderApp = Server.CreateObject("AMHTML.application")
Set objCRenderer = _
'There are two ways to format data with a CDO Rendering application:
' 1 - By setting a format to a field of the message and rendering
' that field a certain way depending on the value of the
' information.
' 2 - Render a column of data all in the same fashion.
' format importance field
Set cFormat = objCRenderer.Formats.Add("PR_Importance")
' The images below must exist on the server where the script is located.
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add(0,"<img src=low.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add(1,"<img src=invisibl.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add(2,"<img src=urgent.gif>")
' Format Class field.
Set cFormat = objCRenderer.Formats.Add("PR_Message_Class")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add("IPM.Note", _
"<img src=newmail.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add("IPM.AppointmentItem", _
"<img src=newappt.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add("IPM.Post","<img src=post.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add("IPM.Contact", _
"<img src=meeting.gif>")
' Format Attachment field.
Set cFormat = objCRenderer.Formats.Add("PR_HASATTACH")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add(0,"<img src=invisibl.gif>")
Set cPattern = cFormat.Patterns.Add(1,"<img src=papclip.gif>")
' Set the datasource to the appropriate folder.
' This will set the container to be rendered to the Sent items folder
objCRenderer.DataSource= _
' Use the default predefined view.
Set objTableView = objCRenderer.Views(1)
' Add body column and render it in blue.
' set objColumn = _
' objTableView.Columns.Add("Body", "PR_Body" ,150, 8 ,8)
' objColumn.RenderUsing = "<font color=blue>%value%</font>"
'Render the object
'Clean up Session & Rendering Objects.
set objsession = nothing
set objrenderapp = nothing
set objCRenderer = nothing
For information on how to acquire Collaboration Data Objects, please see
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
INFO: Where to Acquire the Collaboration Data Objects
Microsoft Developer Network Library; search on: "CDO Rendering Library"
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbASP kbCDO120 kbCDO121 kbMsg kbGrpMsg
Version : WINDOWS:1.2,1.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto