HOWTO: Enumerate the Organizational Forms Library

ID: Q196424

The information in this article applies to:
  • Exchange Development Kit (EDK), versions 5.0, 5.5
  • Extended Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), version 1.0


This article demonstrates how to access the forms data in the Organizational Forms Library of a Microsoft Exchange Server.


The main puprose of this code is to extract the form data of the Organizational Forms Library into an SRowSet structure. Once the data exists in an SRowSet structure, you can use a for or while loop to iterate through each row and/or each column of each row to extract the data you are interested in.

In order for this code to compile and build successfully, the following libraries must be statically linked: mapi32.lib.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <mapidefs.h>
    #include <mapitags.h>
    #include <mapiutil.h>
    #include <edkmdb.h>
    #include <mapix.h>

    HRESULT GetFormNames ( )
       HRESULT hRes;
       LPMAPISESSION    lpSession          = 0;
       LPMAPITABLE      lpMsgStoresTable   = 0;
       LPMAPITABLE      lpEformRegTable    = 0;
       SPropValue       RestrictProp       = {0};
       SRestriction     Restrict           = {0};
       LPSRowSet        lpRows             = NULL;
       LPMDB            lpPubFolder        = 0;
       LPSPropValue     lpspvEFormsRegEID  = {0};
       char             sPubFold[]         = "Public Folders";
       char             sOrgFormLib[]      = "Organization Forms";
       ULONG            ulFlags            = 0L;
       //Initialize MAPI
       hRes = MAPIInitialize(NULL);

       ulFlags = MAPI_NEW_SESSION | 
                 MAPI_EXTENDED |
                 MAPI_EXPLICIT_PROFILE | 

       //Log on to MAPI
       hRes = MAPILogonEx(0,

       hRes = lpSession->GetMsgStoresTable( NULL, &lpMsgStoresTable );

       //Specify which columns I want to see
       SizedSPropTagArray(2, Columns) =
          2,  // number of properties
       //Set them up
       hRes = lpMsgStoresTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&Columns,

       //Limit the view of the table to rows 
       //which have a display name in them
       RestrictProp.ulPropTag             =  PR_DISPLAY_NAME;
       RestrictProp.Value.lpszA           =  sPubFold;
       Restrict.rt                        =  RES_PROPERTY;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.relop     =  RELOP_EQ;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.ulPropTag =  PR_DISPLAY_NAME;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.lpProp    =  &RestrictProp;

       // Apply the restiction
       hRes = lpMsgStoresTable->Restrict(&Restrict,TBL_ASYNC);
       // Set to beginning of table
       hRes = lpMsgStoresTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING,0,NULL);
       // Get the first row 
       hRes = lpMsgStoresTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRows);
       //Use the ENTRYID from the row to open the public folder store.
       hRes = lpSession->OpenMsgStore( NULL, 
       //Use the PubFolder interface to get the Eforms Registry ENTRYID
       LPSPropValue   lpspvFinderEID = NULL;
       hRes = HrGetOneProp(lpPubFolder, 

       // Open the EFORMS Registry Folder
       LPMAPIFOLDER   lpEformsFolder = NULL;
       ULONG          ulType   = 0;

       hRes = lpPubFolder->OpenEntry(lpspvEFormsRegEID->Value.bin.cb,
       //Get the folder hierarchy, because we are interested in
       //a subfolder
       hRes = lpEformsFolder->GetHierarchyTable( NULL, &lpEformRegTable );
       //Use the same column settings on the hierarchy table
       hRes = lpEformRegTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&Columns, 
                                          NULL );
       //And the same restriction. 
       RestrictProp.ulPropTag             =  PR_DISPLAY_NAME;
       RestrictProp.Value.lpszA           =  sOrgFormLib;
       Restrict.rt                        =  RES_PROPERTY;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.relop     =  RELOP_EQ;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.ulPropTag =  PR_DISPLAY_NAME;
       Restrict.res.resProperty.lpProp    =  &RestrictProp;

       // Apply the restiction
       hRes = lpEformRegTable->Restrict(&Restrict,TBL_ASYNC);

       // Set to beginning of the hierarchy table
       hRes = lpEformRegTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING,0,NULL);
       // Get the first row
       hRes = lpEformRegTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRows);
       //Declare a folder interface variable to accept
       //the Org Forms pointer
       LPMAPIFOLDER   lpOrgFormsFolder = NULL;
       //Open the Org Forms Library
       hRes = lpEformsFolder->OpenEntry(
       //Declare a table interface variable to accept the 
       //Org Forms contents table pointer
       LPMAPITABLE lpOrgFormsContentsTable = NULL;

       //Get the Contents Table
       hRes = lpOrgFormsFolder->GetContentsTable( MAPI_ASSOCIATED, 
                                                &lpOrgFormsContentsTable );   
       //Set the desired columns on the Org Forms Contents Table
       hRes =lpOrgFormsContentsTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&Columns, 
                                                  NULL ); 
       // Get all of the rows in the contents table
       hRes = HrQueryAllRows(lpOrgFormsContentsTable,

       // TODO: Add code to work with the rows in the contents table to 
       // suit. 
       // TODO: Add code to free and release all memory allocated by MAPI.

       return hRes;

Additional query words: kbMAPI kbMAPI100 kbMsg kbEDK500 kbEDK550

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1999
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