DOC: Error in ADSI Example in "Notes From the Field" Book
ID: Q236012
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Active Directory Service Interfaces, versions 2.0, 2.5
The Microsoft Press book "Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 (Notes from the Field)", in Chapter 17, includes a Microsoft Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) sample that does not properly associate a Windows NT account to an Exchange mailbox.
To resolve this, replace the SetSecurity function found on page 473 with the following:
' SetSecurity
'This routine will associate an Windows NT Domain account with an Exchange mailbox.
' It requires information specifying the Windows NT Domain account and the
' Exchange mailbox.
' ADSI is used to set the "Assoc-NT-Account" and "NT-Security-Descriptor" properties
Public Sub SetSecurity(strNTDomain As String, strNTAccount As String, strServer As String, _
strOrg As String, strSite As String, strContainer As String)
Dim pDomain(512) As Byte
Dim pRawSID(512) As Byte
Dim pSID() As Byte
Dim pRawSD() As Byte
Dim pSD() As Byte
Dim strPath As String
Dim objUser As IADsUser
Dim objContainer As IADsContainer
' Build the ADSI Path to the Exchange mailbox that's been passed in...
strPath = "LDAP://" + strServer + "/cn=" + strNTAccount + ",cn=" + strContainer + ",ou=" + strSite + ",o=" + strOrg
' Retrieve the IADsUser object encapsulating the Exchange mailbox
Set objUser = GetObject(strPath)
' Lookup the SID for the Windows NT Domain account that's been passed in...
Dim lReturn As Long
lReturn = LookupAccountName(GetPrimaryDCName("", strNTDomain), strNTAccount, pRawSID(0), 512, pDomain, 512, 1)
' Build the security descriptor for this new mailbox object
BuildSD strServer, strNTDomain, pRawSID, pRawSD
' encode sid
ReDim pSID(2 * (GetLengthSid(pRawSID(0))))
For i = 0 To GetLengthSid(pRawSID(0)) - 1
pSID(2 * i) = AscB(Hex$(pRawSID(i) \ &H10))
pSID(2 * i + 1) = AscB(Hex$(pRawSID(i) Mod &H10))
Next i
' encode sd
ReDim pSD(2 * UBound(pRawSD) + 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(pRawSD) - 1
pSD(2 * i) = AscB(Hex$(pRawSD(i) \ &H10))
pSD(2 * i + 1) = AscB(Hex$(pRawSD(i) Mod &H10))
Next i
' Set the owner of the Exchange mailbox to the Windows NT Domain account that's been passed in...
objUser.Put "Assoc-NT-Account", pSID
objUser.Put "NT-Security-Descriptor", pSD
Set objUser = Nothing
End Sub
Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 (Notes from the Field)", Microsoft Press; ISBN: 0735605297
Additional query words:
kbADSI kbMsg kbGrpMsg kbDSupport kbdocfix
Keywords : kbdocfix kbADSI kbMsg kbGrpMsg kbDSupport
Version : winnt:2.0,2.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type :