PC Forms: Installing Forms Designer with Non-English Mail

ID: Q103381

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer, version 1.0, used with:
    • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.0, 3.2


Non-English versions of Microsoft Mail for Windows must be updated with new libraries to correctly support the development and use of electronic forms (E-forms). Disk 2 of the version 1.0 Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer disks contains updated versions of MAILSPL.EXE, MSSFS.DLL, and MAPI.DLL for the German and French versions of Microsoft Mail. Updated versions of these files for other languages will be available from your local Microsoft subsidiary.

The files on Disk 2 are in compressed format. The French version of the updated files are in the INTL\FRN directory of Disk 2. The German version are in the INTL\GER directory.


To install the updated Forms Designer files for French or German Microsoft Mail, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Designer Setup program to install the Electronic Forms Designer, by following the instructions in the Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer "Developer's Guide."

  2. Exit Windows.

  3. Insert Disk 2 of the Electronic Forms Designer into your floppy disk drive and at the MS-DOS prompt, select your floppy disk drive.

  4. To install the French version of the files, type the following:
    cd a:\intl\frn
    To install the German version of the files, type the following:
    cd a:\intl\ger

  5. Change the current drive to the drive that contains your Windows directory. If your Windows directory is not in your path, copy the EXPAND.EXE program from your Windows directory to your Windows SYSTEM directory.

  6. Change the current directory to your Windows system directory. For example, if your Windows system directory is on drive C and is called WINDOWS\SYSTEM, type the following:
    cd c:\windows\system

  7. Type the following commands to copy and decompress the updated Microsoft Mail files into your Windows system directory:
    expand a:mailspl.ex_ mailspl.exe
    expand a:mssfs.dl_ mssfs.dll
    expand a:mapi.dl_ mapi.dll

To install the updated files for access by E-form users with French or German Microsoft Mail, perform the following steps:
  1. Use the Electronic Forms Designer Server Setup program to install the E-form run-time files into the shared extensions directory by following the instructions in the Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer "Developer's Guide."

  2. Follow steps 2 through 4 in the procedure listed above, but instead of decompressing and copying the updated files into the Windows SYSTEM directory, copy and decompress the files into the EFORMS\RUNTIME directory created by the Server Setup program.

This procedure replaces the English versions of the libraries created by the User Setup program with the French or German version of the library files, so that when users run the User Setup program, the correct language version is installed on their machines.

Additional query words: 1.00

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,3.0,3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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